A Heart Full Of Love

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate was basking in the sunshine. It was a beautiful day and the sun was shinning down on Hogwarts. Kate had dressed all American styled today. She didn't know why, she had never bought the clothes with any of them in mind. Even after seven years, Kate still found it weird to be out in t-shirts and shorts in March. Though weather could be nice in March in April, it was nothing like this. Due to the heat she had tied up her hair in a loose bun on the top of her head. Her hair now reached her lower back, it had also got blonder as of all the sunshine recently. She should really be studying , her break had ended some time ago but the day was just so beautiful and days like these could be rare in England never mind Ireland.Plus she had had enough of studying for the day. She had tried studying outside but seeing other students having so much fun in the sunshine had been distracting and made her sad. But she really didn't want to be stuck inside so she had opted to stay outside and not study. Not a very good example for a Head Girl to be giving. But she did her Head Girl duties and was always on the watch out. She had started to think about the speech for the end of the year. It was a slightly daunting prospect , she knew quite a few people didn't like her as Head Girl but Kate hadn't let that ruin her time as Head Girl. She had enjoyed it really and was proud she had been chosen . Too bad she wouldn't be able to use it in a CV for a muggle job.

She wished Stefan was here. She loved just talking to her boyfriend. Things were good between the two. Calm. Things had settled now. Compared to the early years things were great. She loved him , a lot. He was one of the best things in her life. Whenever she was down, thoughts of him always cheered her up. As she lay on the ground, her eyes began to close. She had been staying up late into the night, studying. It was nice to rest and just chill. She looked up briefly, there was no one around. Kate could practice her singing in peace and with out annoying anyone. Kate had heard of local musical societies and one was doing Les Miserables. This was definitely one of Kate's all time favorite musicals and since she was leaving school this year she figured she would have plenty of time to dedicate to it.The auditions was the week after she finished school so she was practicing now as well as studying. She had decided to go for Cosette. She wasn't her favorite part but Kate loved singing her high notes. She had joined the musical society over the holidays and the people seemed very nice and welcoming. It was a pretty averaged size group, they would probably need more for Les Mis as that needed a very strong chorus. She began singing 'A Heart Full Of Love' , she was singing Maius's lines as well. It made things easier. She liked playing the love parts, she idly wondered who would Marius be.

Her voice rang out, louder then she realized but she continued singing. She imagined it was she and Stefan. The thought made her smile.
Without much direction the slytherin was lost to the days he had left in the sanctuary of the school. It was unclear even to him what he would do with his life, with the many years that were now ahead of him. In a sense it had been simpler when he hadn't believed he would even live to see his teens. Now, he was almost out of them with no more of a plan than he had had back then. His birthday was in the next month, and that would class him officially as an adult. The scariest thought in his mind was just that. How on earth was he going to function as an adult. He could barely take care of himself, and he was expected to achieve something. He knew that he had to. Without achieving anything, without a job, he would end up in a similar situation as his father, and that was the last thing he wanted. It was true, and understandable that Stefan was relatively tired of not having heating in the winter. Of having barely any food. Of just having barely anything. He didn't have many skills however. Mostly due to the fact that he had spent so much time out of school, and that he was fairly weak. He was without much strength. As soon as he would leave the school, he'd be thrust back into the life he had briefly left behind. It would be a sudden shock, and it would definitely put many things on hold. The holidays for the young man had been bad enough. With very little money, Stefan had found it very difficult to keep himself going. While it was a short period of time, and he knew how to go without food, it had felt strange, and he'd been left feeling pretty down upon his return to Hogwarts. That was coupled with the fact that upon his return, like all the others in his year, he was asked who he wanted to attend his graduation. He could invite two people. But, the people who Stefan would want to see him graduate were already dead or would be there anyway. All his friends would be graduating with him. All in all, he was left staring at the bit of paper as the rest of the people in his year had to narrow down options. It hadn't left him in the best of moods, that was for sure. Stefan knew he couldn't exactly be upset about it, his mother had been dead for close to sixteen years, his father had been dead for three. His father would've never come, and if he had, he would taken great pleasure in shouting abuse at him during it. This was maybe for the best. He had in the end decided that Tybalt would be the person to attend. Though they had known each other little more than a couple of months, Stefan was happy to know him. He was a little cousin, a little brother that Stefan had never thought possible. Tybalt was the best choice, at least there would be someone to cheer louder for him than they would for any one else.

It was midday when Stefan finally left his studying for a small break. While it hadn't exactly been going well, he was glad to at least have made an attempt. Studying for the monochromatic slytherin posed many problems. He had to spend more time on it, make sure he read all the words, make sure that he understood it, that he could actually see what he was writing. Smiling to himself as he tidied away his books, the slytherin was feeling pretty good. He knew there would be a lot more work to be done, but this was just the beginning. He knew that come the exams he'd be ok. He'd pull through, and if he didn't, well, he had other skills. He was sure that he could just work as a cleaner or something. Something that he would be good at but required him to have little to no qualifications. Which would suit him fine. Just something, some work so that he wouldn't starve as soon as he left school. The slytherin grabbed his usual jumper, while the sun was shining outside, Stefan was always a little colder than most, his small body shape made that so. While tall, he was slim, incredibly slim. A little less than before, but this was still small enough that most might never notice. Searching his room, Stefan took the glasses that his uncle had given him and slipped them on. While he had been wearing them while studying, he had taken them off to tidy up. They were the most noticeable difference about Stefan this term. Instead of squinting at things, he instead could see just that little bit more clearly. He hadn't had glasses for a long while, so they felt odd on his face. Very odd on his face. Once he was all done, he set off. Leaving the dorm, and then the common room. He had no place to be, but it was a nice day, and the Slytherin had been getting bored studying. He knew it was important, but he wasn't exactly going to spend all day doing that. He would get bored, and he'd found that it actually helped him to go for long walks, to just wander around until he felt awake and alert, which was the time to go back and study. That was one thing he didn't miss about school ever, not being able to do what he wanted, when he wanted. The schedule was good, but he liked the freedom that being alone brought. He didn't have to worry about anything, or anyone besides himself. It was a selfish thought, he believed this but he thought of all his terrible traits that his father always highlighted, this was one he could happily live with. It was one that didn't seem so bad in the grander scheme of things. It was something that he figured he was allowed to be, all things considered.

His walking ended up taking him high, while still a little afraid of heights it was a lot better than it had been before, which was good. He now found that he could easily look at the window in the high towers of the school, without feeling panic overtake his heart. Of all the things he was afraid of, heights was the least lethal of them all. He had a small fear of heights, it was not a major fear. It was a small fear. Always had been. Stefan smiled to himself, the sunlight was streaming in the windows along side him. They heated his face, and unknown to him, gave the blue eyes a much brighter glow. It made him look happier, less like he'd fought one to many wars. Less like he'd seen a little too much for someone so young. He was happy though, he did feel better. The load on his back was not as heavy. He had Kate, his lovely, and beautiful girlfriend. The girl he knew would love until the end of days. He had family, sort of. People who were blood related to him, and that somehow also cared about him. They had no desire to hurt him, which had been a very odd experience for him. Eventually, as he reached higher up the stairs, he heard a singing voice being carried through the halls. It was fairly stunning, strong and to him perfect. It seemed familiar, but he could ever place it. He found that he stopped, was looking in front of himself, in what he thought was the direction of the noise. He couldn't help but feel the need to walk towards it, to follow it. To let himself be guided to something he wasn't sure he would maybe enjoy. It seemed to carry him. Having never really listened to music, having never really had the opportunity to enjoy it. Stefan Archer just let himself be absorbed by the simple melody, by the carrying tune that the singular voice had. His steps took him to the North Tower, he hesitated before entering. The voice was still strongly singing. He stepped in, and while briefly blinded by the amount of light, noticed the source of the singing. Sitting in the sunlight was Kate. He couldn't really make her out, there was so much sunlight, but she was stunning, and he knew it was her. Her figure was completely covered in light. He was stunned. It felt like he was standing in the presence of some higher being. The simplicity and beauty that the sun gave. He in that moment, staring upon his beautiful girlfriend, who sung with such heart he didn't think a person could have, he almost felt like all he had been through had been worth it, to get to this point of beauty. To get to see this simply stunning sight. He didn't want it to stop, but he felt so happy to see Kate, that his need to say something was fairly great. Instead of saying anything however, Stefan cleared his throat.

Sorry it's a bit Mehh

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