Closed a (graphic) novel meeting

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
15 (12/2046)
hugo liked the fourth floor. Some days he wondered what it would be like to be in Hufflepuff so he hardly had a reason to leave it on weekends. Not that he didn't like being in ravenclaw, and he didn't have anything against ravenclaw tower, it was cool and had some great views. but the fourth floor was just more cozy. today he decided to have a break from the library after he had almost sorted a pile of astrology books onto the astronomy shelf not the divination one.
he entered the louhge the book he was reading for his section in the paper tucked safely in his arms. he found himself an armchair. he was just abut to start reading when he noticed a girl not to far away was reading a new graphic novel that he had been waiting to arrive in the post. he couldn't help himself. "Hello. Sorry to disturb you but i have to know. is the book good? he asked hoping he wasn't disturbing her too much.

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