A Girlfriend

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Duncan Wraxvalt

Well-Known Member
Birch Wand, 14' 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.
I haven't been roleplaying for some time, and recently I have found myself wandering back to this site. I miss the laughs and the chilling out. So, I've been doing some thinking and, come IC September, I would like Duncan to start noticing the other gender as more than friends/enemies/icky girls. I'd like him to maybe even get a little 'love story' going with some girl. Nothing serious. It would last for maybe one IC school year, at most. Anyway, he'll only be thirteen, so it will be mostly curiosity about girls, and nothing very severe. He would possibly attempt a peck on the lips months into the relationship. But it wont be a permanent thing.

Yeah. Anyone who is interested can PM or post here. You can find out a little more about his character in the signature links. He's a nice enough guy. Any Hogwarts house is fine. I could see him being more drawn to a Hufflepuff, though (not sure why :p) Obviously, as the title suggests, I'm seeking a female. Preferably the same year as him, or the year above. I could definitely see him trying his luck with an older girl. Which could be funny.

Anyway, yeah, tyfyt.
Well you may well be sick of RPing with me but I can offer Mima? She's a bit naive and a little bit snobbish but she's not necessarily mean, and dating a half-blood might help her to learn that some people are not pureblooded, but that doesn't mean they're any lesser than she is...if that makes sense?

And when they break up I guess depending on how they go, they could just be cool with it and stay at least acquaintances.

Anyway, Mima's a bit odd because she doesn't have many friends but she does have a 'spiritual guide' in the form of her dead twin who kind of pushes her around and berates her constantly. Which is why she doesn't get out much. The real Mima's kind of shy and quiet, yet curious about the world around her and willing to learn more. Perhaps Duncan could bring out that side of her and help her grow in to a much better person.

but yeah, just throwing myself in there if you're interested *shrug*
I would love Duncan to get to know Mima and have a thing going with her. She would be the wild card in his array of girlfriends. She'd be the sort he would never forget, and the sort I'm sure he would remain friends with, after. For quite some years. I think he'd go to her for relationship advice in the future, but always have some strange little attraction to her as he ages.

Maybe they've got to know each other through classes, and Duncan could be sitting in the library, trying to write some big ol' essay and really struggling with it, and Mima casually wanders over, tells him where he's going wrong, and continues about her business. Which would instantly grab Duncan's attention. They could sort of be very blunt, and Duncan could suggest about hanging out to do homework. And Mima could just stare at him, which only encourages Duncan to uptake the challenge of befriending her in some manner. And if it's nearing the Yule Ball, he could ask her if she wants to go with him because "you're a girl, I'm a guy" and maybe just spend the whole evening sitting in a corridor, discussing life, the universe, and everything. And then Duncan tells her he likes her and asks her out.

Or something else?

I'm definitely interested. This could be a lot of fun. ;D

On a side note; I love RPing with you ^_^
Most excellent. I love RPing with you too so that works out well. xD

I like the sound of that! Mima's lived a pretty sheltered and lonely life so any suggestion of 'do you want to hang out' will probably lead to a flat 'what' and then just her being confused about what people do. =))

but yes! I reckon this could work out quite nicely.
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