A first year looking for plots

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Napoleon Hawke

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Hello I’m specifically looking for a first year Gryffindor male to be Napoleons best friend. This character has to be a troublemaker/explorer/reckless and just in case you’re wondering why they must be male, it’s because I have a couple of plot ideas in mind and they won’t work unless the other person is a boy and a best friend.

That’s not all!

As I’m here I’m here I’m also looking for...
* A number of any gendered friends to go on adventures with.

* Enemies. Napoleon isn’t the enemy type but he’s bound to come across someone who he doesn’t get along with. This person needs to be someone who would naturally clash with Napoleon eg they are serious/ pureblood lover/ a bully. I wouldn’t mind a sort of Draco/Harry rivalry if it will work.
i have third year stefan who absolutley falls into friend or enemy. he can be a bit of a bully if hes really annoyed. or as a friend he can come over all protective if he sees some one being bullied. hes also quite adventurous.
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