A Few Topics/Plots

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Hello there!

So, I recently made a new character, Orwell Kitchen Brocken, and he's obviously a new guy with not much in the way of plots, or people to talk to. He's 13 years old, and lives in New Zealand. The character is a little complex, he wouldn't just be able to meet up with people easily. The reason for this is that he lives in a closed off, distant community of people who live directly off the land, and doesn't leave it often at all. He doesn't get out much, but I feel like trying to get him out there a little bit more, just as the small plot I have in mind means him going to Hogwarts and obviously kicking up a fuss when he gets to it. Orwell is a nice guy, he loves animals and nature. He's kind to people, doesn't see the point in trying to one up people or be superior. He sees everyone, and really everything as equal to him. Adults, and plants included. He has a little problem with authority, mostly that he's never really properly had any, so he doesn't like it. He's a very free and independent sort of person. He'll do things alone without thinking about them.
For him, I'd love some friends, he's always lived in the one place, and has friends there, but no one he is that close to, and a few friends on the outside would be good. Perhaps an adult or two, that runs into him, I'd like to see him interact with a couple of adults, how he reacts to them.
I'm not really looking for anything in the love department, but perhaps a few options or suggestions for later would be cool. I haven't really figured out his sexuality, but I think during his formative years, he'd likely experiment, so male or female. His currently unfinished bio is Here
So, yeah, ideas?

As always thank you!
If you want to post with any of my other characters just let me know, either here, or through a PM.

Hey Emzies! So I have a couple of unsorted students whose ages I haven't set yet, that I think could RP with Orwell. There's two ethnic students I think could work well, and possibly even be from the same community! I have a girl and a boy, Hahana Ngata and Suntat Na Songkhla (a Maori and Thai student, respectively) and I've been needing a kick in the butt to write their bios out and develop them.
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