A few people who, well...need people

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Katalina Harker

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Okay so well I have a few charries who are very seriously lagging in the RP department and that makes me very very sad because I used to be fairly active and then, well, life happened and I got too busy to actually do much RPing. Anyhoo, I'm pretty much back in commission now and am ready to start back to doing minor plottage with people. I have several characters. Some need several relationships and some just need a few little here and there plots. You can pick and choose which you'd like to interact with.


Katalina Vanderhol

So basically anyone who isn't new to the site knows a good deal about Kat. For those of you who don't she's loud, slightly obnoxious though lovable and she pretty much always wears her heart on her sleeve. She plays professional quidditch for the Wimbourne Wasps as a chaser. She's a former Gryffindor and at times completely embodies the Gryffindor attitude (being that she's mostly reckless to a fault and fiercely stubborn). Kat has her Chace ♥ so I'm not looking for a romantic relationship for her, but a few friends would be nice seeing as how she doesn't really have many now that she's moved to England. They can be female or male friends.


Serena Vanderhol

And here we have Serena. Poor thing was stuck in homeschooling due to a nasty case of Spattergoit that she contracted her first year at HNZ, but now she's finally back to finish up her last year of school with a bang. She and Kat are so much alike, but at the same time they can be polar opposites. Basically Rena isn't quite as high strung as Kat is...definitely more laid back and down to earth. Serena has her Harrison ♥ so once again I won't be needing any romantic relationships for her, but she does need friends. This Gryffindor is much too social and outgoing to not have anymore friends than what she does. Once again, male or female friends are more than welcome.


Lola Mason

Then we have poor poor Lola. This Ravenclaw is hopelessly shy. Her music is the only thing that she feels really expresses her, but the only thing is that she's not brave enough to share her talent with anyone else. Anyone who would try to form a relationship with Lola would have to have patience with her and try not to take her lack of words as her being rude. I can offer her up for anything (except for really enemies because Lola doesn't really associate with people enough to make any, but maybe eventually down the line she could have a few). A crush/romantic relationship might could go into the works, though that could take a little bit to form. Friends (male or female) are more than welcome. Let's see if we can pull this shy girl from her shell a bit shall we?


Kynleigh Davis

Little ball of spitfire is the only way I can describe her. At times her mouth moves faster than her brain does. Anyone who knows her would most likely describe her as hyperactive, but fun. She hardly ever backs down from a challenge and can be slightly pigheaded at times and always stands up for what she believes in. She needs friends and probably one or two enemies. She's a bit young for any kind of romantic relationship, but maybe a mutual crush or something along those lines...we'll see about that.


Marleigh Hayes

Struggling musician pretty much says it all. She's quirky and fun and completely lost as to how love actually works. She graduated from Salem and has pretty much been on her own ever since. All she needs for now is friends. She's got plenty going on in the romantic department and she's pretty much covered on the enemies side as well.


Sawyer Franklin

So basically I had wanted a Beauxbatons character and now I'm ashamed to say that I've let her pretty much wither away, but am really wanting to get her up and running. Sawyer is a 6th year at the French magical academy. She's always very poised and classy, but underneath all the proper exterior is a sneaky little wild child just waiting to bust out. Sawyer needs a little bit of everything as far as relationships go.

And there we have it folks. This is what I need so now...go post away to your hearts content and find me people for my people who need people.
How could I not offer up Zoe to be friends with Kat?
She's travelling a lot right now- kind of bouncing around countries, so it would give her a 'reason' I guess to bump into Kat in England. :lol:

What do you think?
Sounds good to me. We wouldn't really have to work too hard to develop some sort of relationship between the two of them since they already know each other :D Would you like to start it up or would you want me to?
Well, I have Izaak Finch to offer up as a potential friend for Kat. I know he's a few years older but they seem so alike and I've kinda been itching to get him out of his usual "role-playing group" XD What to say about Izaak? I dunno, he's a fairly cool guy; outgoing, well-humoured, sensitive, though stubborn, ever loyal to friends and yupp, he's definitely a heart-on-the-sleeve wearer. We could roleplay them to see how they go, plot it out a little if you wish, make it original. I dunno, completely up to you. Just looking for something outside the square for my boii.

I also have Indianna Lee, a fifth year BB who I'd be willing to offer up for Sawyer. I'm still figuring her out a little, but she's very shy and intimidated by the rest of the Beauxbatons girls. Her personality's a little different, a bit of a dreamer, a bit of a creator, I'm feeling a little lazy so her character development is here if you wanted to find out a bit more XD I don't really know if they'd be friends or enemies, or perhaps even a little of both. But we can figure that out, hm? :)

Let me know what you think. :hug:
Dannii could be a friend for Lola if you don't mind that shes a year younger :) . Dannii is a very kind and loyal person once you get to know her, and because of her lack of friends shes forcing herself to come out of her box more and meet new people so she wouldn't give up with Lola.
Hmm, sounds like it could be a nice little pairing. We could definitely start something up and see where that leads :D Would you like to start or would you like for me too?
Could you please start it?
Serena and Zazuka can get closer as friends seeing as they share classes and Zazuka is outgoing in her own way :D
Ooooh, yes!! I keep forgetting that they are in the same year...though I must warn you...Serena probably wouldn't have many nice things to say about Andy seeing as how 'Sparky' wasn't too friendly towards her at the beginning of the year :r But I think that other than that they'd get along swimmingly :D Do you want to start something or should I?
I will seeing as I haven't in a while :p
Well I have a couple characters and sadly I don't think I ever rp'd with you as Maddiie, so I don't mind Kat and Maddiie role playing? Maybe if Kat in Hawaii, they can bump into each other and have some fun?

And now I'm asking to rp with your BB students? Leonardo is the half brother of Willow Paradox and Esme Makwa. All three have the same father, its a long story so you can pretty much read the basic of his biography. Leonardo part of Willow's band now and they still don't know their related, yes I know bizarre. And Leonardo actually Gay and is having a trouble time coming out. Maybe your BB student can get to know him "more?" If your interested? We can talk more over PM, till than I'm off, bed awaiting for me. :)
Sadly I can't think of a reason that Kat would be in Hawaii :erm: But maybe we could plan something later down the line :D

If you'd like to PM me a little more about what you had in mind for our BB characters then that would be great :D Looking forward to hearing from you!!
I can see Aroha and Kynleigh RPing, and we could see if they get along? I linked her bio, I'm on my phone >.<.
I could see them probably being friends *nods* We could RP them together and see what happens. Would you like to start something or should I?
Can you? I shan't be online 'till tomorrow, and even that's iffy.
I will, but for now I'm going to have to head to bed seeing as it's 0230am and I have to be up in about 4 hours :doh: But I shall start one tomorrow and PM you the link :D
I could offer up Ariah Rowan to be a friend for Lola. Ariah is extremely friendly and cheerful and can't seem to bring herself to think badly of almost anyone. She's persistent when she wants to be and has a knack for attracting mean or shy people as friends.

Ariah also has a talent for singing but hasn't really put herself out there so maybe her and Lola could sort of connect through that. Over the school years she may become a little less open and a bit more closed up but that probably wouldn't affect her views on her friends.
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