A Few people need some People

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Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Hey guys ^_^
So I'd like to get some of my charries role playing a bit more.So here are some of them


So here is Kate Moon,my main character.She is a sixth year Hufflepuff. Kate has a rather bright and bubbly personality.She is a strong minded person though she has been tested since entering Hogwarts.She is sweet and kind and likes to see people smile.She can be rather sarcastic and sometimes she should go by the rule "Think before you speak".She can be quite outgoing in somethings though she does thing about the after effects of the decision.She doesn't care about what other people say about her and she won't let anyone put her out of an idea.She is incrediebly kind and often feels very bad after an argument.Over the past few years she hasn't exactly been herself.But this year she is much better after sorting things during the holidays.She is much happier and weighs a lot more after doing her best to gain weight.She still looks thinner the others but doesn't look sick.
What I need are friends,people not too young so from the years of fifth and seventh years really.Old friends are welcome and new ones would be good too. Maybe some first years to mentor?Kate is always willing to help people.Enemies possibly people who believe what RHI says or just find her personality annoying.She is already taken in the love department


Star Moon-fifth year Ravenclaw.Star is a very sweet girl.She unlike Kate doesn't find it easy to stand up for herself and doesn't have a strong will.She is easily influenced by other people.Up till last year she was very quiet and unsociable.She had no friends up until last year when she met Sammy.He has had a big affect on her making her more playful and more like her real self.She is very patient and wants to make friends now.She is caring and will do her best to make what ever friends she makes happy.She is witty and when you are close friends with her she really shows her true self.She is quite hyper and a bit mad.She is sarcastic and generally fun-loving.At the moment she is a bit angry because of her twin Ryan so she is a bit irritable.She loves long distant running,photography and reading.

I need a friends for Star.She basically only has three friends.So friends are needed.Star wouldn't have any enemies because she wouldn't be able to stand up for herself so she would more the likely be bullied.Star does have a crush and she is involved in the love pentagon thingy


Ryan Moon-fifth year Slytherin.He is Star's twin and completely different to her.For the past three years he was angry,depressed and not a nice person after he got bullied.Last year Sara got the truth out of him and during the holidays he spent time with his parents who tried to sort things out.Right now he is unsure of himself.He was once funny,kind and a good person but for the past three years he wasn't that person and now he is inbetween so he will be easily influenced by who ever he comes by or tries to be friends with him.At the moment he is quiet and not really saying anything as he is trying to figure himself out.He has thrown himself into his music and that is usually what he is doing all the time.All the anger that was once inside him is gone and he realizes how stupid he was over the pats three years.He is trying to sort out things with Star who is still odd with him.

So I need friends,people who will help him get back on track.These people will play a major part on how his personality will turn out because he just doesn't know at the moment.If a girl were the one to help him back on track Ryan could end up developing a crush or something.If anyone has ideas,just PM or post here!


Damien Blade-third year Gryffinfor. Damien is a pretty nice guy. He is like everyone else.He once had bad trusting issues but now he is open and friendly and gives everyone a chance. He is extremely loyal to the few friends he has.Once you become friends with Damien he will always stick by you whatever the cost.He is relatively careless but doesn't do anything stupid.If you are really close to him he is his true self with you.He likes to crack jokes and make people laugh.He is very musical and always brings his guitar around with him in case he suddenly has inspiration for a song.Damien has a vast collection of songs and he loves to write them and he has lots of inspiration.He has a nasty temper and he is more on edge the usual because of Andi refusing to talk to him.His temper is usually kept in check though so only if someone really angers or annoys him will he burst

I need friends for Damien.He doesn't have many male friends in fact I don't think he has any,so some of them would be nice.Love is taken care of at the moment and he wouldn't be bullied.If you think he'd annoy your character then I'm open to enemies


Amelia Jane-second year Slytherin.Amelia isn't your typical Slytherin.Amelia is a sweet girl.She likes to laugh a lot and she likes to play practical jokes on people and she isn't afraid to be goofy.She is fiercely protective over her younger siblings.She won;t tolerate anything bad happening to them and she will do what ever she can to make them feel better.She is very open-minded and loves to try out new things.She is very reckless and does something with out really thinking about it properly.She has gotten in to all sorts of trouble because she is also very curious.If she wanted to find something out she will do anything she can to discover it.She is the family clown.She makes everyone laugh and she enjoys doing so.She can go too far sometimes by embarrassing someone by her jokes.She is very protective of her friends also and won't let anything happen to them.If someone says something against them she makes sure that they don't say it again.She is very loyal and will keep your secrets safe.She is one of the least selfish people in the world...as long as it comes to people she loves and cares about.She will always put her family and friends before herself and everyone else.She finds it hard to trust people fully,it will take a while before you have her full trust.

So I'd like some friends for her as she doesn't have many.At the moment she is booked in the love department. Some enemies would be good too.

So yes that's all,thank you for reading and if you post thank you! ^_^
As usual i have stefan up for grabs
We can have Ai and Kate meet up sometime... ;)

Not sure about Amelia and Ai though... :p xD
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