A Drone is All There is to Hear

Aurora Night

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Wild 10 3/4 Inch Reasonably Supple Ebony Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
The night following the boggart incident (x) (x)
Rory was supposed to be in the Hospital Wing for observation overnight, but there was no way she could do that. She had felt the calming drought beginning to wear off and, although she didn't return to her previous hysterical state of beginning, in the strange world of the night Rory felt a rising sense of urgency that had her swinging her feet out of bed and darting out into the corridor in her pyjamas. She just needed to be sure. Rory tore up the staircases and each of the upper corridors in the darkness, her bare feet slapping conspicuously on the stone floor as she ran. Maybe the nurses had already noticed her disappearance. She didn't have time to slow down.

Rory did have to end up back-tracking down the seventh corridor in order to dip quickly into the common room and grab the nearest blank parchment, ink and quill she could see, however. Maybe someone had been using them to study, but the thought didn't even cross Rory's mind. All of her thoughts were concentrated on climbing to the Owlery. Once there, Rory stopped and panted heavily as she dropped to the floor and messily spread out the writing instruments in front of her. The message was scrawled so quickly it was barely legible, and Rory hastened to attach it to the leg of an owl and let it soar off into the night before she allowed herself to stop trying to do everything in a mad dash. Abandoning the stolen quill and ink, Rory collapsed heavily into a sitting position against the wall. Her breathing slowed, but she didn't notice as she continued to stare out the window to where the owl had disappeared. She was prepared to stay here all night if she had to. It needed to bring a letter back.

You're alive aren't you? Please I need you to be alive.


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