A Dreaded Shopping Trip?!?

Toni Addison

Well-Known Member
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Toni had been more than furious that her luck had turned on her that one day at Sam's party. She had agreed to a secret santa and picked one of the two people that she hated. Now Toni had to spend some of her money on that brat Jenna. To make matters worse Toni's father wasn't giving her the extra money just because of the holidays. He had seen this chance to teach Toni a lesson about spending money wisely. Stupid, so very stupid in Toni's opinion.

Yet she didn't have any other choice. To help matters she sent an owl to Sam asking him if he would meet her at the Obsidian harbor and help out. Yes the great Toni Addison needed help in the one department that she was grand with, shopping.

Walking to the Harbor, Toni wore one of her normal outfits of a rather short white dress with a green belt around the waist. Her Slytherin earrings were hanging in her ears as the green bangles on her wrists bounced as she walked. Finding her way to an empty bench, Toni took a seat her mind boggled even thinking about what she was going to get for the brat.
Sam was rather confused when one he got an owl from Toni and two it was about shopping. She was asking him for help? Though no matter how much Sam detested shopping, he would do it for Toni. He wore a casual outfit and made his way to Obsidian Harbour.

It wasn't to busy, there was only a few stressed looking people, people who left there shopping to the last minute. Sam could completely relate to that. Sam spotted Toni on a bench and waved before hurrying over to her. "Hi Toni!" he smiled warmly to her. "So let me get this straight...me? You want me to help?!" Sam let a small laugh escape his mouth.
Toni looked up when she heard Sam's voice. "Hey" She said smiling though she knew Sam didn't quite understand why she had asked him of all people to help her shop. Gosh why should Toni need help shopping at all? The world had been turned upside down. "Yeah I need your help shopping" Toni admitted standing up and straightening out her dress before looking back up at Sam.

"I need help picking out a gift for Christmas. A gift for Jenna" Toni said surprised that she had managed to say Jenna's name without a rude comment following or even a huge tone of distaste. "So help out a friend?" Toni asked hoping that Sam would be able to help if not she was not getting Jenna anything. Nothing at all.
Sam listened to her explanation. "Oh sure. I'll help...though it took me ages to find one for her but I'll do my best." Sam winked. Sam was glad that at least Toni was making an effort to buy Jenn something that she'd like, though asking for Sam's help was hopeless.

Sam sat on the bench beside her, "Okay..hmm..." Sam said thinking. "I got her a necklace..so maybe we shouldn't get her more jewelery.." Sam said thoughtfully, "Well if we're really stuck then we can." He added quickly with a small chuckle. "Hey! Toni! Your like the fashion person or whatever you'd be able to spot nice clothes if you want to go clothes shopping...?" Sam suggested.
Toni smiled slightly glad that Sam was willing to help her. The thought that maybe she should have gone and had someone else help since Sam was hopeless in this department came to mind, but Toni decided against that one for the simple reason, though she hated to admit it, Sam knew the most about Jenna and what she liked.

"How much am I supposed to spend on her?" Toni wondered hoping that it wasn't too much. This was her money after all. "And I doubt I would get her jewelry anyway. That is more a " Toni paused stopping her sentence mid way. Toni could have ended that sentence with loads of different phases. A gift a guy would give a girl. A gift a best friend would get a best friend. Though Toni decided not to say anything.

"Yes I can spot nice clothes for well" Again another pause. Saying something nice or at least holding her tongue through this whole thing was going to be harder than Toni thought. "Well I can find nice clothes for people with style" Toni said smiling slightly "like me, style like me" Toni added guessing that her statement sounded better with the added part.

Thinking Toni began to absentmindedly twirl her hair. "Well what about" She stopped not having any ideas. "Gosh this is hard" She said closing her eyes for a moment as if an idea would just come to her. "I don't even know what she likes" Toni admitted glad that she didn't but still it would help if she knew something, anything.
Sam shrugged, "I dunno...I mean whats your budget? I know you probably don't want to spend anything on her." Sam said to her seriously, Sam knew the hated each others guts so he wasn't going to pretend elsewise. "What about 10-20 Galleons? You can get something with that right?" Sam asked, he only knew quidditch prices he didn't know any prices for any other items.

Sam could see that Toni was restraining herself and making sure not to say anything mean. Which was extremely decent of her and Sam appreciated that. "Okay..so thats one idea. We have clothes." Sam said hopefully.

What was Jenn interested in? She liked quidditch but didn't love it. Did she have a praticular interest in clothes? Sam put his two hands on the back of his head. "I really don't know...what about something in Honeydukes. Everyone loves sweets." Sam suggested.
Toni didn't exactly know what her budget was. Her father had let her spend 200 galleons this month and already she had spent 100 of that on just about nothing important. "Well I don't think I want to go over 40 galleons" Toni said liking that Sam mentioned 10 to 20 galleons. That seemed like penny change to Toni but she liked the idea of spending basically nothing on Jenna. "That sounds about right." She said not knowing what Toni could buy with that little. Though she could try.

"You don't know what she is interested in" Toni said a bit surprised with this. After all Sam and Jenna were well, she didnt' want to think about that now. "Sweets" Toni repeated liking that idea it was rather simple, easy, and a pain free way not to have to think about it. "Now sweets can't be too expensive and I can't go wrong with that" Toni said more thinking aloud than anything. "You sure that's not a lame christmas gift though?" Toni wondered.
Sam shook his head, "Well I'd be pleased with sweets." Sam smirked. He was sure Jenn would like them too, afterall he was sure she'd be surprised to get anything of Toni at all. "So have we decided then?" he asked. Christmas Shopping was surprisingly easier this year he had managed to get all of his stuff in just under two days. It seemed that today was turning out to be the same.
"of coarse you would be pleased with Sweets" Toni said a hint of jest in her voice and a smile on her face. Just thinking about spending her money, her own money, on Jenna could wiep the smile clean off of that face, but Toni tried not to think about who she was buying the gift for. It was so much easier that way.

When Sam asked if they were decided then, Toni wondered if shopping for that brat was too easy, easier than Toni had imagined. Maybe Sam wasn't so bad at this shopping thing after all. Finally after a short pause, Toni replied. "I think we have decided" She said her tone almost grateful. Sam had helped quite a bit in her opinion.

"So to Honeydukes it is" Toni said once more straightening out her dress to make sure she looked perfect.
"Shut up you." Sam said nudging her playfully when she commented on him being pleased with sweets. He missed just hanging out with Toni like this but it was hard when he hated Beau and Toni hated Jenn. But was just how things were and he would have to make the effort to arrange for them to hang out.

Sam then got up, "Excellant!" So they just need to buy the sweets and Toni was sorted. "Toni you look fine." Sam said shaking his head in disbelief, "We're going to a sweet shop not a fashion show." Sam teased and headed out to Honeydukes.

[I'll start up the thread since you've started this one ;), Click here ]
Toni smiled brightly as he nudged her playfully. It seemed like forever since she had hung out with Sam like this. Even though Toni had spent time with Sam at both his and Taylor's birthday party but still it wasn't the same as the one on one time they used to always have together. It was a nice change that Toni would make sure would happen more often if Sam wanted to of coarse.

"ok then" Toni said running her hand through her hair once. "And thanks Sam but I have to look as if I am always going to a fashion show" Toni said laughing a bit. As they both walked to Honeydukes, Toni thought about what sort of sweets, Toni was going to buy for Jenna, hoping that it would be as easy as just going into the shop and choosing a few things.


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