🌹 Rose Giving A dollop of daisy

Charlotte Astor Williams

Just your average kid | Alt. Beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 11 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
10/2050 (13)
Charlotte didn't know the next person and headed towards the Brotherhood room, having been given some advice that he might be in that area as she was a member. She knocked on the door and looked around. "Is Amodeus here?" she called through the barrier.
Amodeus hadn't actually been in the brotherhood room, instead just wondering the halls. It was luck really that the moth he'd been following happened to go by the room as the girl said his name. He stopped, looking over with an easy smile. "Not in there, but I am over here," He told her, walking over. "What's up?" He asked, not connecting that she was delivering flowers and instead trying to figure out how he knew her.
Charlotte looked around and saw where the voice was coming from. "Oh, sorry," she said before pulling out a red rose and a note. "Here's a rose for you."

I know you like red ~ Teddy
Amodeus smiled. "Hey, no, it's alright," He laughed lightly. He 'ooh'ed at the red rose. "Thanks!" He offered. "I do like red!" He laughed, tucking the bud into his hair. "This is fun!" He told her easily.

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