A break from work

Azkadellia Elysian

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
It was now the holidays and the Halfway House was doing some more business than usual, something which Azkadellia preferred, it kept her busy. Although the children didn’t stay in the house too often, especially as they had school supplies to get, so Azkadellia got some free time to herself. Sticking close to the Village, Harbour and the Mall so she could keep an eye on the children she walked around a few of the shops herself, always keeping an eye out for something for herself. With a small sigh she continued her window shopping, she was getting a bit lonely as of late. Sure it was great having the children but they didn’t want to hang about with the Matron, she missed her own friends from Bulgaria but still didn’t regret moving to New Zealand.
Bailey had finally arrived in Brightstone village, and had bundled Adora up in her scarf and boots to brave the cold weather. No matter how many times she tried Bailey never seemed to be able to get ready on time. She was already far behind on her shopping and with the breakfast spillage thismorning they were set back at least another hour. Thats what motherhood is like. She thought to herself as she she struggled to pull Adora along behind her, she was never pleased at the kind of shopping her mother did. "Adora! Adora follow mummy" Bailey pleaded, dragging the two year old along behind her. As the mother turned her back for a second her daughter was off again, running straight into another woman, Bailey chased after the little girl. "I'm sorry" she said to the woman "Can't seem to keep up with her!" she added, pulling her daughter from the lady standing before her.
Azkadellia didn’t take much notice to the shops she was looking into; she didn’t need supplies from most of them. She stopped outside of Scribbulus Everchanging Inks and wondered if she needed any new writing equipment for her office. Deciding that a few extra pots of inks and some spare sheets of parchment never went a miss she entered the shop and picked up a few supplies. After leaving the shop she stopped as she felt something or someone bump into her. Confused she looked down a saw a young girl. Azkadellia lifted her head as she heard a woman coming up to her, apologising about the young girl. “Oh it’s no bother at all. I adore children.” she said with a smile as she looked down at the young girl. “Energetic little thing aren’t you?” she said playfully to the little girl, laughing softly.

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