A Break from the Castle

Merlina Caliburn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Mermaid Scale
The day had started out as any other but with one exception, today she knew she would be heading into Brightstone Village with her bestfriend Ryuu. She had grabbed a blue top that resembled something that a server in an icecream parlour wore and a short black pleated skirt over black and blue striped tights. It didn't bother her about the sun, in her mind it was cooler than usual and she was so used to more extreme levels of heat from back home in Italy. The small path leading from the main thoroughfare of Brightstone to the school had some benches and here she sat, albeit sitting up on the back rest instead of the actual seat but who cared right?

The year had progressed well enough and she couldn't believe that they would be sitting exams again in a few short weeks. The only thing or person that had kept her sane through out any of this besides her cousin was the other Gryffindor in her life, Ryuu. They had often talked after classes together and met up some days to simply chat as well. He was so different that any one else in her life and as much as he was her best friend she could not help but be besotted by him. Leaning her arms on her legs she looked up and down the path, it would be their first meeting outside of school and quite frankly she couldn't wait.
Ryuu stepped into the sun and out of the shadows. His usual attire of a goth trenchcoat fastened in the front so the shirt was concealed. His black jeans were almost form fitting, and he wore black boots as well. His black hair flowed like silk in the breeze as he walked. His pale blue eyes were revealed as he moved his hair from his face using his pasty white fingers. He was meeting up with Merlina, a girl he chose to befriend. She treated him like a person, something he desired so much. Being like he was, it was so unnatural. Almost brutal. He hated his father for it.

What would mother say if she were alive? Ryuu did not answer his thoughts, his voice remained silent and it was hardly in use for anything. Only for Merlina and using spells. It gave his voice an unreal coldness and it was delicate as well. Though his words could cut flesh if he wanted. Though it was rare for Ryuu to be angry. Pressing the right buttons would do the trick. Ryuu hated it that he snapped at Merlina in the past, and he constantly worried over that. It was a secret, but he cared a lot for his friend. He felt secure around her, but still did not reveal his past and training to her. It wasn't right. Pulling himself out of his thoughts, he glanced at the path, and back up ahead of him.

There she was, and Ryuu released a sigh. Was he late? He approached her with utmost caution and grace. His voice spoke as gently as he possibly could, "I'm not late, am I?"
Merlina had typically been looking the wrong way when he came upon her. With a smile she turned to greet him, just as she had also been removing her glasses to give them a quick wipe.
"You're never late, I ... I was kind of " go on spill it, you were ridiculously early. You were dying to see him simply walk towards you. You were being a stupid silly teenage girl again"I had nothing else to do really. There's only so much reading I can do, so I thought I'd come along a bit early is all."

She jumped down from the bench to stand infront of him.
"So any idea what you'd like to do today? This is technically our first outing without professors and stuff".
Ryuu gave a small smile, giving his ghostly appearance a bit more mysterious and enchanting. Ryuu moved his hair slightly, which has grown longer over the past months. He needed a hair trim, and he knew that he would receive it once he returned to his home. Something he was not exactly looking forward to. “I try not to be,” said the Japanese boy. “I hope that you weren’t too early.”

His expression twisted to confusion, for he had no idea what to do. Ryuu murmured, “What do people like you and I do on days like this?” He knew nothing of how to spend a day to himself, nor did he know about New Zealand’s culture.
Merlina smiled at him and instinctively though she had not brokered any physical contact with him in months now, simply linked arms as if it were the most natural thing in the world. She forgot for a moment that he would feel uncomfortable by the contact and when she did remember she looked at him apologetically.
"Sorry, I'm just so used to this kind of contact when I'm with my family and not in school" it was true of course but as this was the first time she was literally out of school and he happened to be the first one she was out of grounds with, Merlina naturally fell back to old habits.
"I'll remove it if you prefer?"
the fact that she didn't do so immediately only meant that she didn't prefer but in asking him, she was willing to defer to his wishes.
"As to what we do today, we could do anything I suppose. There is a playground near by or we could go for a bite to eat or look in some of the shops. Is there anything you'd like to do?"

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