Closed A Bouquet for A Hufflepuff

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (27)
(Red, yellow, and pink for Aonghas Fergusson)

Ava was sooooo happy she had decided to sign up for rose deliveries this year. Her love life may be in shambles, but she was just... in love with love! Of all kinds. She hummed as she skipped through the halls, actually knowing who the first delivery was for. Had she ever met him? Not at all. But Lily was in his year, and Ava had asked her cousin to point him out. She had been told he'd been heading this way, so she skipped through the halls after him. She rounded the corner and spotted who she thought the boy could be. "Aonghas, rose delivery!" She sing-songed, bouncing over to him.
Aonghas didn't expect roses, he hadn't thought that. katia would be the sort to send any, so for a voice to say his name and then rose delivery in the same sentence he was admittedly a little confused by it. Thinking. that there was no way he'd get a rose. But he stopped and looked to the girl, someone a little older than he. was. "Aye," was all he said, waiting for the roses to be handed to him. He had to imagine they were from Katia, there was no one else who'd send him roses.
Ava skipped over, offering the boy the roses before digging in the basket from the note. "Here you are!" She chirped happily.

I didn't know what color to send to my future husband?

~ Katia
Aonghas took the roses from her and then the note that came with. it. He ended up chuckling lightly. He'd gong simply with just a pink rose, though he didn't actually crush on her life that it was just the lot in life that they had. He gave a smile to the girl who had delivered them, "Thanks fae these," Aonghas said.

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