5) Character Alignment & Motivation

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Athene Perthro

Well-Known Member
Choosing an Alignment: Good, Evil or Neutral

Humans are too complex to separate into good and evil. This goes for wizards, too. Your character can do bad things, without being 'evil', and good things, without being 'good'. Some characters, however, may do more bad than others, and this is what gives them the title of 'Villain'.

In the Wizarding World, we have our Villains and Heroes. The Death Eaters are the bad guys, right? And the Aurors are the good? However, a lot of those Death Eaters have family members that they care about, and people that they love. Is love not a good thing? I'm sure there are Aurors who are jealous of other people, and who hate and swear. Are those not bad qualities?

A Villain might mean well, or believe that they are working for 'the greater good', but simply doesn't understand that what they are doing is not appreciated, and/or is making things worse. Take Grindlewald, Dumbledore's old friend, for example. He thought that he was in the right, and that he was the good guy. For a while, Dumbledore obviously thought so too.

Dumbledore is another example. We all thought, I'm sure, during the first books that Dumbledore was good. That he could do no wrong. But we finally learn about his 'horrifying past' and his involvement with Grindlewald. Dumbledore isn't perfect, and neither should your character be.

All characters should have good AND bad in them. For our purpose, I will be calling; 'Good' characters, characters that have more good than bad; 'Evil' or 'Bad' characters, characters who have more bad than good; and Neutral, characters that have an even amount of good and bad. Neutral characters are most common.

((I'd also like to add, before continuing, that by 'bad' I don't mean wrong. I mean evil or immorally inclined. I thought I should say this, in case anyone thinks that I mean that bad characters are wrong and shouldn't be made.))

Neutral Characters

Neutral characters are the most common (or at least, should be). These characters may know what the right thing to do is, but be compelled to be selfish. They may know that what they are doing is bad, and so choose to stop. They usually have the better view of 'good' and 'evil' than the other two alignments.

Good Characters

Selflessness is one of the most common things that makes a character 'good'. A 'good' witch or wizard will usually put others before themselves, and will not usually attack, curse or hex anyone unless in self defense. (Harmless jokes are okay, though. So long as they are just that; harmless) They will also usually not kill unless it's also in self defense, or unless protecting others.

Of course, 'Good' is in the eye of the beholder. 'Good' characters are not flawless No one is. Flawlessness is boring, and all characters should have flaws, pet-peeves, fears, phobias, unwanted traits. A 'Good' character, just like an 'Evil' or 'Neutral' character, should have hopes, dreams, weaknesses.

Evil Characters

These are, personally, my favorite characters to play. 'Evil' characters, or the 'bad guys' are what creates the conflict in a plot or story of a roleplay. Without conflict, the story usually won't be any good.

Sometimes, that 'bad' characters don't even know themselves that what they're doing is bad. A lot of Death Eaters think that they are doing good, while others just do bad for the fun of it, and for their own sadistic pleasure.

They should always have a motive. An 'evil' character without intention makes no sense what so ever. I repeat, people are not born good or evil. Events, people and lessons in their lives are what make them so. They must have a reason for wanting to do bad. Whether it's to rid the world of Muggle Borns, live up to their family name, make their parents proud, or whatever, there must be a reason.

I should also add that not all 'evil' characters are obviously evil. Your character might not want to be a Death Eater or the next Dark Lord. He or she might not hate Muggle Borns, and might not care which houses their friends come from. Your character can still abide the Ministry Laws and be bad. Selfishness, arrogance, cowardice and pride are often what makes a character bad.
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