4th Year In Need Of Gf

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Robert Kain

father 🎉 live for the experiences
OOC First Name
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It's Complicated
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Curly 9 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
9/2009 (52)
Okay well Robert is planning on dumping his current girlfriend Rhianne (Sorry) because he hardly ever gets to talk to her, and well yes, he would like a new girlfriend. He's quite a charmer really, and being a gryffindor he's brave and loyal. I would prefer if his girlfriend is ether a 3rd or 4th year please, other than that, no preference :)
Be quiet xD Don't ruin my lovley advert :p St00pid veela girl you xD
Shalamar could do with some sort of romance in her life badly ;)
it would take a charmer at this point to work any type of magic on her
she has had the most enormous crush on Henric Lee for what seems like forever but she's doing her best to get over him and a brief romance might just do that ;)
You weren't calling a stupid veela girl when you were kissing me in the forbidden forest. xD
Shalamar - Do you want to rp to see how they get on?
Lissy - SHUSH! xD
Lindsay - Being a second year aged eleven, you are a smidge out of Robert's reach xD Sorry
Should this not be in the plot development section?
oh lol oops xD yes yes it should
I attempted to date one of your characters.. But she turned him down and ran off with some other guy *le glare* xD
And he STILL likes her *headdesk*
I didnt know Zehava was you claire. um...naughty graphics (not like that xD)
Pfft go with a Latina! XD
Andromeda Fiorelli said:
Larissa Sedgwick said:
I attempted to date one of your characters.. But she turned him down and ran off with some other guy *le glare* xD
And he STILL likes her *headdesk*
you're nuts but I do have other characters you know ;) :r
Dom "Does not care vor your uzzer characters. He vants Andromeda" xD
Keira Kendall-White said:
Robert Kain said:
I didnt know Zehava was you claire. um...naughty graphics (not like that xD)
Yeah, yeah, Sh'up :p
If she posting she telling you that she single? :r

Well let it be than! XD
My character gf is not guna be my real life sister tyvm! and lol this isnt GD you know xD Any other peepz want to be a gf for rob?
Sakura Hiroto
She's only 11.
Er.. Hmm..
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