y48 quidditch

  1. Reeve Buchanan

    Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Beauxbatons

    Gryffindor, BeauxbatonsThe final game of the season was here! Reeve already had spoken with each team to review the rules, and he was now on the pitch making final preparations for the upcoming game. The stands were full, a loud hum filling the air as spectators got ready to cheer for the game...
  2. Reeve Buchanan

    Quidditch Game: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

    Hufflepuff, Slytherin It was a beautiful day for quidditch. The sun was shining, perhaps a little too brightly, but the breeze was lovely. Reeve moved about the pitch as the stands filled up, whistling while he worked. The man was eager for the day's events. He was sure it was going to be...
  3. Reeve Buchanan

    Quidditch Game: Ilvermorny vs Beauxbatons

    Ilvermorny,Beauxbatons Each quidditch pitch, and school, had its own beauty and Reeve was luxky enough to be able to see a great deal of them annually. Reeve made his way from the shed to the center of the pitch, moving about comfortably as he worked to set up the pitch. Reeve was excited for...
  4. Reeve Buchanan

    Y48 Stands

    Here are the stands for the Y48 other students game. Follow the game here. OOC chat can be found here. ((The stands will close approximately 2 days after the end of the game))
  5. Reeve Buchanan

    Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff

    Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff Reeve was happy to be back on the New Zealand campus for another game. He was able to travel the world to referee the various school games, and they all had their unique traits but he thoroughly loved the landscape of the New Zealand campus. As he entered the pitch, the...
  6. Reeve Buchanan

    The Stands

    Here is where you can roleplay your character(s) reacting to games. OOC discussion is happening here! Follow the game here!
  7. Reeve Buchanan

    Quidditch Game: Slytherin vs Gryffindor

    Slytherin,Gryffindor The referee was ready to begin a new season of quidditch. It was November, a bright and sunny day. His allergies were annoying him but not enough to put a damper on his mood. He moved to and fro, keeping a quick pace as he readied the pitch. Then, it was just time to...