stella wright

  1. Thomas Jusantrea

    Open Yellow rose for Stella

    ((Yellow rose for Stella Wright, open after Jasmine)) The fifth rose was yellow again, so there was no need to think about where to find the girl. Thomas knew that Stella Wright was the prefect of Ravenclaw, and so went straight to the table without much apprehension. This time you can tell...
  2. Alice Briar

    Open A Rose Bridges the Gap

    ((Yellow rose, open after Jasmine, @Stella Wright )) Alice was grateful to have older sisters when it came to delivering roses, because it meant she knew a lot more people than she probably would have otherwise. Stella Wright was an older student that Alice knew because she was Phoebe's friend...
  3. Cyzarine Haden

    Open Yellow Rose Stars Shine

    Open After. Yellow Rose for @Stella Wright After some asking around and a lot of searching, Cyzarine had been informed that the next person she'd been looking for might be found towards the north tower, which was where she found herself now, "Have you seen Stella Wright?" Cyzarine stopped...