plot with me pls

  1. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    A Slow Dip Back In

    Hi all, I'm slowly reeling back into roleplaying! I'll only present a few characters I'd like to focus on roleplaying with for now, but if there are any characters that aren't on display that you'd like to roleplay with, please don't hesitate to lemme know and we can sort something out...
  2. Amber Chou Wilson

    Throwing students in a PD

    Every year I say I won't do a PD. Every year I do x_x but this time I'll stay on top of it. I will! 🤞 (but for the sake of my organization and brain, I would like to ask for around 2 / 3 plots per person please) I'm adding school reputation which is a thing I put in my bios, it might help in...