jenna toubia

  1. Willow Cullen

    Lipstick and coincidence

    After a coffee, in the prefects, common room willow was ready to get the rest of her roses out. well almost ready. she had one stop left. she stepped into the bathroom and took a small tube out of her bag. the coffee had washed off her lipstick and she just needed to touch it up. a shade this...
  2. Lars van Houten

    Open Intimidating Roses

    ((A red and a pink rose for Jenna Toubia, open after Madz)) The last rose on Lars' list was someone he didn't know very well, but when he asked around he realized he recognized her. It was a Slytherin girl in the year above them, a very pretty and popular one he had seen hanging out with older...
  3. Diana Hollis

    Closed Bitter Companionship

    Diana was frustrated. Not only had Domi left her in their OWL year, but she was with Winnie on the other side of the world. Every time Diana thought about it, she just got angrier as she imagined them having tons of fun without her and probably gossiping about her too. They were now going to be...