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  1. Zoe Katsaros

    Closed All I've got is a photograph

    Zoe could keep up with Lucas easily, and honestly, she enjoyed his company more than she would admit to herself. There was just something about him that was attractive. Maybe it was because she felt safe around him. She averted her eyes when she heard his compliment. Even now, she seemed like...
  2. Zoe Katsaros

    Closed All I've got is a photograph

    Zoe never thought that Autumn would want to work things out with her. Zoe would take her back in a heartbeat, but she was convinced that Autumn would never forgive her. It had been a year, so why not move forward? And right in front of her was a single, attractive ex boyfriend of hers. She was...
  3. Zoe Katsaros

    Closed All I've got is a photograph

    Zoe could understand that. The sights, the people. It all must have been so boring being there all of the time. Even here, she would get bored of the same old things- - but she felt safe and home. It would be different if he did not feel at home in a place like Paris. Zoe smiled more as he...
  4. Zoe Katsaros

    Closed All I've got is a photograph

    Zoe had mixed feelings about all of this, but she was still dealing with the pains of the past. She did have to look to her present, and good things happened in time if one would allow it. She nodded at his statement of him being home. New Zealand was home, even after years of being off...
  5. Zoe Katsaros

    Closed All I've got is a photograph

    Zoe wanted to frown when she heard the news of the breakup, but considering everything Evelyn and Zenia went through, and somehow her by extension, she couldn't say that she didn't mind having a good man like Lucas back out there on the market. That is, if he was still a good guy. A decade could...
  6. Zoe Katsaros

    Closed All I've got is a photograph

    Zoe felt like she was frozen in time because she could not get over the fact that of all people, she ran into her ex-boyfriend from school. They broke up because she wanted to study and didn't give him the attention he deserved. She wanted to be an Auror (and look at how that turned out). But...
  7. Zoe Katsaros

    Closed All I've got is a photograph

    Zoe Katsaros could hardly believe that her son was turning 11 this December, and then she would have to think about whether or not to home-school him, or send him to Hogwarts New Zealand. He was her only child, and she yearned for more, but anything she tried, it just failed. Every IVF procedure...
  8. Zoe Katsaros

    Graduation Ceremony: Graduates

    Zoe had a lot of memories going into the school. She loved it at Hogwarts New Zealand and here she was, graduating. Zoe had not believed where her journey at led her. Truth be told, she only invited two of her siblings, which did bother her that she didn't have the chance to invite Autumn. But...
  9. Zoe Katsaros

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  10. Zoe Katsaros

    Petal in a haystack

    Zoe smiled softly when he asked if she was Zoe. She gave a small nod to him. "Yes, I am. And you are Jacob Kingsley, son of your, and my twin's, Head of House, right?" Zoe wanted to test to see if her memory was spot on, which she hoped anyway.
  11. Zoe Katsaros

    Open And Fourth, Pictures!

    Zoe reached out and took the yellow rose. She smiled when she remembered what day it was. She forgot to send out roses this year, again. She could have slapped herself silly. "Thank you so much, and happy Valentine's day!" Zoe opened the note and read it, enjoying the note from Nixon. Sadly...
  12. Zoe Katsaros

    I won’t be going to the Valentine’s Dance. I have too much to do with Accio. Meet up tomorrow?

    I won’t be going to the Valentine’s Dance. I have too much to do with Accio. Meet up tomorrow?
  13. Zoe Katsaros

    Petal in a haystack

    Zoe was snacking on some pretzels before she would head over to the Accio room to get some work done. Since it was her last year, she wanted to make sure everything was perfect. She had not seen her girlfriend yet otherwise she would have been found at the Gryffindor table. She got a nudge and...
  14. Zoe Katsaros

    Open And Fourth, Pictures!

    Zoe had a hard time getting the pictures together, mainly for first years since she didn’t know them all. She had to put them in order to make sure that they looked the best. At least she was alone so that she could concentrate. However, she heard her name called through the closed door. She got...
  15. Zoe Katsaros

    Open Y32 Club Fair

    Unlike the other clubs, Accio! did not have a table for sign ups. The yearbook was sorted out beyond the means of tables, but instead, Zoe held her camera around her neck, and had a sheet of parchment and a clipboard so that she could go around and take pictures of the club leaders, and the club...
  16. Zoe Katsaros

    Bi-weekly Update

    Club threads in Accio! will be closing this Sunday! Last call for Accio! photos!
  17. Zoe Katsaros

    Perfect Match

    Geo x Austin!
  18. Zoe Katsaros

    Actually Know You

    Zoe reached up and took the rose and note, and opened it to see that it was from Nixon. That was sweet. She should do something for the Accio! group, when she could. "Thank you. Hope you have been enjoying the school so far."
  19. Zoe Katsaros

    Y31 Dueling Tournament

    I think I might have some time to duel: Zoe Katsaros - Hufflepuff Sixth Year Ryuu Arai - Ravenclaw Sixth Year Asmodeus Snow - Slytherin Fifth Year Andromeda Zhefarovich - Hufflepuff Fourth Year Neven Lurken - Slytherin Third Year Elia Dragonova - Slytherin Second Year
  20. Zoe Katsaros

    Actually Know You

    Zoe looked forward to the dance ahead, knowing that she would be sharing it with her girlfriend. She was reading a book, relaxing a bit before working on her pages that she needed to do. She heard her name and glanced up to see the intern. She smiled toward Vader. "Hey Vader! What's up?" He...