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  1. D

    Unlikely Friends?

    The library at Hogwarts was one of the very few places where Dahlia felt like she could simply relax and think. All the drama from being in Slytherin was taking its toll. Dahlia more than once thought she was slowing morphing into her father. But here, surrounded by walls of leather bound...
  2. D

    Dahlia Beauregard

    Everyone has both light and darkness inside them. It's the part they choose to act upon that makes them who they are Character's Name: Dahlia Rana Beauregard Character's Birthdate: May 1st, 2028 Blood Status: Hogwarts House: Slytherin Appearance: Dahlia is tall and slight with...
  3. D

    Dahlia Beauregard <3

    Full Given Name: Shaula Dahlia Rana Capella Beauregard Name Meanings: Shaula = A subgiant blue star found in the constellation Scorpius. It is the 26th brightest star in the earth's sky. Dahlia = The name of a beautiful pointed-petal flower that comes it a variety of different colors...