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  1. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb chuckled. He had a family dog growing up but it died when he had turned 12. It upset the whole family for a while. So much so that they haven't gotten a new pet since and Ferb was just the same. He took a long look around whilst taking a slow stroll up the street. "So what kinds of things...
  2. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Dragons in backyards? This girl was definitely more than meets the eye. "Well I don't think you want to wake up and see a full sized out your window", he laughed. The thought of that made him think. What if someone creative managed to make Dragons household pets? That'd be both cute and awesome...
  3. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb quickly followed behind the squeaking Epiphany as she approached the adorable snail dragons. Although they did look kind of cute, Ferb wouldn't of bought one for himself. They looked pointless. "For someone as girly as you, I wouldn't of expected you to like snails". He would have expected...
  4. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb chuckled. He weren't worried that people would think the two of them were up to something because there's no harm at looking at a shop window. But it was probably best to move anyway. "Yeah I can imagine that but I ain't so interested in history as you are but that's a good thing. It gives...
  5. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb took a long look at what Epiphany had pointed out. Although she seemed very interested in it, Ferb was never intrigued by weapons. But to keep things going smoothly, he decided that it's better to pretend. "Why would they sell a curse sword? Seems a bit pointless", he chuckled. He...
  6. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb smiled. That's exactly the response he was hoping for. He wouldn't call this love but there was definitely something here that he just had to latch onto. It was hard to explain. "Of course I do", he said softly to her. The pair stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Ferb broke...
  7. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb began to reconsider his feelings for Epiphany. Was this something more and could lead on for years to come and maybe even forever? Ferb wanted to find out how she felt before he could make any assumptions. "So look...", he started, "...We obviously have a great connection and I love it but...
  8. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    "I've got my brothers, my mum and a few friends. I've known my friends for years and because I was in Canada I only kept in touch with the ones were close to me. God knows what's gonna happen if I go to New Zealand". He tried not to think about moving away from Epiphany and continued to eat his...
  9. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb thought to himself about what he could possibly want to eat. He had a good breakfast to prepare him for the day so it was just a matter of what did he find more appealing to eat. He took a long look over all the pastries and food on offer and decided. "Could I have that one", he asked as he...
  10. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb wasn't able to spot what she was looking at but he took her word for it anyway. He had no reason not to trust her. "After you ma' lady", he chuckled in a posh tone. As Epiphany lead him to this restaurant she had pointed out, Ferb took a quick glance to see exactly what she meant. Maybe...
  11. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb looked around for the nearest place to eat. "Yeah, I'm hungry too". He could speak a little French but far from any Chinese. He took a good glance at an old chinese couple that was strolling through as they had not a care in the world. He turned to Epiphany and laughed "I don't suppose you...
  12. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb took a deep breath as he could smell the exoctic ordors of the chinese culture. He was especially impressed with the items that Epiphany had pointed out. "Wow...". He chuckled at how speechless he was over the matter. He had visited magical places before but this one was entirely like...
  13. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb looked amazed at how magic was able to hide itself so easily in a well populated area. "Yeah...". He looked in at the pathway before him. It was filled with wizards and witches of all ages walking around as normal as anyone would be. Without thinking about Epiphany, his curiosity got the...
  14. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb took this as a chance. He had reconsidered moving to New Zealand because he didn't want to be away from Epiphany but if she was willing, maybe she would come with him. It was a slim chance as he would be asking her to move away from the lifestyle she had here but it was a possibility. "Oh...
  15. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb laughed it off. "Alright missy. You lead the way". He held Epiphany close to himself as he followed her lead. "So what about your parents? I noticed you don't live with them", he asked. Ferb didn't live with his because his mother became depressed after their father's death and wasn't like...
  16. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb let go of Epiphany and lightly jogged to the bakery window to find his assumption was right, it was closed. A note had been placed on the window that read We have closed for the day due to an emergency. Sorry for any inconvenience x. This really annoyed Ferb. He just wanted to have a nice...
  17. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb sound it impressive how Epiphany had travelled so much that she even went to Japan. "Ooh, what things do you have exactly?". Japan was very well known for having very advanced technology so Ferb was interested to see what she had brought back from her adventures. They were getting ever so...
  18. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb opened the door and hopped out the taxi with a spring. He then turned and offered his hand to Epiphany to help her out without falling. After she successfully got out, he then turned his attention to the driver. Once he was paid, the cab drove off. Turning his attention back to Epiphany...
  19. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    Ferb only gave a slight nod. He loved muggle things like the TV, the phone, the Internet and even muggle sports. He would try to refrain from using magic in his apartment so he could use them without dysfunction due to magic. If he wanted to practise magic he would do it at school or if he...
  20. F

    A Date Down San Francisco Lane

    How cute, Ferb almost blushed. "Aww, thanks". He squeezed her hand gently as an alternative to kissing. He thought that may be a bit awkward if he kept kissing her because of last night but that wouldn't stop him from having a great time with her. Pier 39? Ferb remembered it as his family had...