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  1. O

    Not so far away now

    Orland was grateful for the girl's knowledge, and was now certain she was a prefect. She knew too much about the school not to be. He felt a tug at his arm, and resisted pulling it away. He hated any form of physical contact. As the two students headed towards the less patrolled door, Orland's...
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    Not so far away now

    Orland shrugged off Peyton's thanks. He didn't like doing favours for people, and this was no exception. He couldn't help but notice her glancing into the distance. She looked uncomfortable, and his suspicions were proved to be right when she stood up. "Right, yes, of course," he replied...
  3. O

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  4. O

    Not so far away now

    A rare smile spread across Orland's face when she revealed her name. It was comforting that he trusted her, even though he feared the worst. After all, almost every member of his family who had been trusting had severely paid for it. Still, it was just a name. He did not recognize it, possibly...
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    Not so far away now

    Orland grinned when his instincts proved to be right. However, the girl didn't seem to be the sort who would simply snitch. Even if she was a prefect, it didn't mean she was out to get him into trouble. Orland shook himself inwardly. He could not let his guard down. "Ha," he scoffed, stretching...
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    Not so far away now

    "I can tell," Orland replied, unsure of whether to sit down or stay standing. Either way, the situation was becoming more and more awkward, and he was beginning to regret his outburst. It was extremely clear why he preferred to be indoors and away from others. Searching his suddenly blank mind...
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    Not so far away now

    [font=times new roman]Despite the day being pleasant and warm, Orland was still definitely not an outdoors person. He preferred to confide to the likes of his dormitory, or perhaps the library. It was easier to stay out of trouble when you had nobody to talk to. Today, however, he had been drawn...
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    Bananananaa! [C]

    Ooh very niice :D Glad you like it
  9. O

    Orland Rykeir Riley

    Basics Full name: Orland Rykeir Riley. Age: 14 Years of age. Date of Birth: April 15th 2019. Gender: Male. Blood Status: Mixed blood. Blood type: A Positive. Heritage: Scottish. Occupation: Student. Hogwarts House: Durmstrang. Appearance Eye colour: Light blue. Hair colour: Dark chocolate...
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    Bananananaa! [C]

    having trouble here xD
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    Bananananaa! [C]

    How bes this?
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    Bananananaa! [C]

    Take your pick xD
  13. O

    Calling Durmstrangs for some plotzz!

    xD Hullo! I would love it if these two could get into some deeper plots. Orland comes from a very messed up background, his Father went to Azkaban for attempted murder of his sister (Orland's aunt), his grandparents (mother's side) are both deceased since his Grandfather was mentally ill and...
  14. O

    Hot or Not

    Too happy//Out of ten I'll wipe that smirk off your face :devious: