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  1. S

    And the bullets catch in her teeth

    Zoe mentioned how she was not the pretty one, or the smart one out of her siblings. That meant one thing though. He was not the prettiest one out of his siblings, and he sure as hell was the smartest. They were in the same boat, which was weird. Severin thought that was pretty cool. "If you...
  2. S

    And the bullets catch in her teeth

    Severin then realized just how bad that sounded as it rolled off from his tongue. He didn't really mean for it like that, but that was what it came out. It was something he should probably apologize for. Severin gave a nervous smile before he said, "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Um, take it...
  3. S

    And the bullets catch in her teeth

    Severin looked over at Zoe when she said that she had never been called that in her life. That was strange since he was sure that someone else would have called her bossy or something equivalent. He shrugged those lean shoulders, "Well, you seem bossy, and boots is a nice, stylish sort of shoe...
  4. S

    And the bullets catch in her teeth

    Severin found himself quite shocked that Zoe wanted to go play some games and get food instead of riding some exciting rides. Well, that would be better than just watching her read and stuff. "Sure! About time you want to have some fun!" Severin was not good at games, which made him feel a...
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    Mate, Date or SLATE

  6. S

    And the bullets catch in her teeth

    Severin looked over at Zoe when she thought that she could be mixing him up with Tylien and he thought that she would be nuts if she was thinking that of him. Tylien was horrible. Severin knew that. There was nothing good about him. Well, his looks were pretty good, but everything else about him...
  7. S

    And the bullets catch in her teeth

    Severin did not care if she was giving him all sorts of mean looks, and that she did not want to hang out with him. She was a teenager, thus she did not know what she wanted. Plus an amusement park was always the answer to just about everything! Severin needed someone like her to distract him...
  8. S

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Mate. If it were legal, totally date.
  9. S


    Severin simply wanted to smack Amara upside the head for wearing something so trashy in the middle of winter. Now if she wore it in the summer, then he would be complimenting her to the end of time, but wearing something like this in winter was a cry for attention, shouting to the world that she...
  10. S

    And the bullets catch in her teeth

    So her name was Zoe Snow. That certainly did ring a giant bell in his head. Tristane was dating a Snow, and from the looks of this one, she seemed much too young to be dating his older, angelic brother. He thought hat the other one’s name was Story anyway. It was a really funny name which he...
  11. S

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Mate! If older, totally date. But no...
  12. S

    And the bullets catch in her teeth

    Being here in Italy made Severin feel like he won the lottery. Living day by day, everything was just too perfect. He loved this place so much, he could not help but want to almost live here. He had not decided on what he wanted to do yet. Design? Model? Both? Own a chain of coffee shops? All of...
  13. S


    Amber eyes rolled at her words, and Severin pointed his finger at Amara while saying, "Don't give me that 'it is easier because you are a boy' crap. You girls have a larger selection, so you have no excuse to dress like a... Dress like that. Makes you look like you don't have a sense of...
  14. S

    And the bullets catch in her teeth

    Severin Matthias was relieved to have finally lived his dream of traveling. Right now, Severin was in Milan, Italy, a huge city that was the biggest, second only to Rome. It was a pretty big city, and Severin was thoroughly enjoying his time here. The first thing he was going to do was find that...
  15. S

    Blanket of Stars

    Severin blinked his amber eyes when she said that she was from France, Paris of all places. He knew that place, where Amara wanted to go. Severin told her he would think about it, but truth be told, he never wanted to go there. Not even with her. There was no way. Severin would not be able to...
  16. S

    Hot or Not

    OhHoney/Outoften You need to get out more and become a little more interesting. No one wants to be a boring professor all of the time.
  17. S

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  18. S

    Blanket of Stars

    The fact that the girl even acknowledged his words was invitation enough. He just prayed that she would not be one of those that would play hard to get, but really sucked at it. Severin, with his fingers tracing the edge of the laptop, could not resist smiling at the girl. Showing off his pearly...
  19. S

    Blanket of Stars

    Though being a seventh year in Salem had its disadvantages, Severin Matthias however had a break from school and he was well on his way to the Big Apple, or New York City. He came here frequently, always with someone but this time he was alone. This was the way he wanted it to be. He was riding...