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    It had been some time since Orsino had gone out on his own. He was usually flanked by his family. He'd made it his mission to take them everywhere he went since the awful happenings at the Christmas party couple of years ago. They'd even held off on their marriage because Galaxy was so...
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    Get This Thing Out of Me!

    Orsino spent the majority of the labour moving between Galaxy and trying not to hurl. To be honest he never realised how much work having a baby was. One thing he knew now was that they were never having another child, he wouldn't be able to handle it no way. When Galaxy called him over to see...
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    Ringing in the New Year

    </SIZE></COLOR></FONT>-several hours later-<FONT font="verdana"><COLOR color="black"><SIZE size="50"> As family gatherings went, this wasn't a bad one. Orsino had to admit he was more accepting of being with his family today than he had been in previous gatherings. He supposed that addition...
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    Ringing in the New Year

    Orsino Antolini rolled his eyes at Mea as she threw another temper tantrum. Orsino glared down at her as she stamped her foot and told him in no uncertain terms that she refused to wear the clothes he'd picked out. "Come on, Jelly Bean, you have to get dressed." He tried once more, in vain, to...
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    Get This Thing Out of Me!

    Orsino packed the over night bag. He wasn't sure if Galaxy had a ready made one, but he didn't want to risk it. He shoved in everything he could fit, which included a couple of pairs of shoes, her favourite dress and multiple pairs of socks incase her feet got cold. It was more a survival kit...
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    What are you listening to?

    If I Had You - Adam Lambert :wub:
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    Get This Thing Out of Me!

    Orsino had to admit that if he had ever imagined having a child, this was probably not it. Though Lexy was barking orders at him, he was basically ignoring them and just doing his own thing. He'd tried to get her to go to St Mungo's ages ago, but as usual, she thought she knew what was best...
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    The Theory of Attraction

    Never in all his years of being old enough to think about love or sex, had Orsino experienced emotions like he was right now. People spoke about love like it was the most amazing thing in the world. Like you couldn't be complete without it. They were wrong. Love was scary, it was cruel and...
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    The Theory of Attraction

    Orsino still couldn't believe what he was seeing right in front of him. Despite it all, he refused to believe that Galaxy, the girl he spent nearly three months in a foreign country trying to find, was right here. Why was she here? Was it really to spite him as he was so sure? He desperately...
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    The Theory of Attraction

    Orsino Antolini had given up. He'd spent two months in Italy. He had gone from province to province, door knocking houses, shops, restaurants. He'd asked around, talked to people that he thought might know her. Kimberlyn had been a massive help. He'd never have gotten around without her. He had...
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    Hot or Not

    SmartGuy/outoften That's what I said.
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    Nice To See You, Where You Been?

    Orsino had never felt guilty about kissing someone before so it was definitely a strange feeling. He shook his head. He was feeling very guilty all of a sudden for more then one reason. How could he have forgotten why he was here? He'd come here with one purpose in mind and forgetting that...
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    Hot or Not

    LittleDudeWithAttitude/Outoften Didn't your parents smack you as a child.
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    I'm currently on a role with Jake, so I'll start something and pm it to you soon ^_^
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    Nice To See You, Where You Been?

    Catching up with an old friend was always a lot of fun. Kimberlyn and Orsino had not seen each other for quite some time and it seemed that they had an awful lot of catching up to do. Truthfully, there was more then one reason Orsino had contacted her, but he didn't have to get into all of that...
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    Nice To See You, Where You Been?

    Orsino liked the way that Kimberlyn moved. She was much shorter than he was, not surprisingly. He was a tall guy, most people, especially women were shorter then he was. She bounced, something he found quite endearing and whilst she wasn't precisely his type - did he even have a type? - she was...