Search results for query: *

  1. P

    Would you rather....?

    Grocery Shopping Would you rather be a human football or a human stick of deodorant?
  2. P

    Name Three Game!

    Denmark, Dominican Republic, Djibouti Name 3 gold medalists at this year's Olympics (so far).
  3. P

    Eat, Drink, or Bin

    Bin like nobody's binness Goat Cheese mixed with Fresh Basil
  4. P

    Hot or Not

    SouthernBelle/10 What state are you from? I'm a Texas boy, myself, but I don't have much of an accent.
  5. P

    Word Association Game

  6. P


    Pax nodded as Liam spoke, becoming more and more aware of how much he really did live in the muggle world and not the wizard one, despite being a half blood. "Hmm, well I don't know if we have 'em back in Texas, where I'm from, at least I've never seen or heard of 'em, but maybe my mom has," he...
  7. P


    Paxton wolfed down a bacon sandwich and started on the next one after a gulp of pumpkin juice, his eyes following the elves as they bustled about. "Err, what are they?" he asked Liam. He hoped it wasn't too rude to ask even though he know he sounded like an idiot. Pax wondered briefly if this...
  8. P


    Paxton had gotten lost exploring the castle, but he didn't care, getting lost always led to more adventures than knowing where you were going could offer. He found himself in a warm hallway that seemed so out of place in the otherwise lofty castle. The ceilings were lower here and there were...
  9. P

    Friends for the Little Lion

    Sounds good! I'm heading to bed now, but I'll reply when I get online tomorrow. :)
  10. P

    Friends for the Little Lion

    Definitely, and as Pax tends to be a loner, he'd be cool with Liam either being around a lot (if/once he's comfortable with him) or off having adventures and doing stuff with other people, too. He's really laid back. I'm open to any beginning. Do you want to start it and send a link?
  11. P

    Friends for the Little Lion

    Pax could probably hang with Liam. He's a half blood who was also raised to be a gentleman and does like to have adventures, though he's pretty laid-back and is most likely to be found with a book. He's not really one who likes to get into trouble, though, as he doesn't like anything ruffling...
  12. P

    For The New Archer

    As a friend and someone Tybalt could trust, Paxton would be an option. He doesn't have any potential friends yet. He's the strong, silent type who was raised to be a gentleman. He's a half blood from Texas and has a very slight Texas accent. He's casual and confident and is kind of an...
  13. P

    Hot or Not

    GoodMemory/10 My father's a muggle, so I doubt it.
  14. P

    Rate the avi

    9/10 It's beautiful and different, but a little cold.
  15. P

    Hot or Not

    Thoughtful/10 That's nice and too rare, these days.
  16. P

    Eat, Drink, or Bin

    Bin New York Strip Steak
  17. P

    Rate the Sig

    9/10 It's very summery and even a little mysterious, I just wish her name was clearer.
  18. P

    Eat, Drink, or Bin

    Bin Smoked Salmon
  19. P

    Would you rather....?

    tin man Would you rather climb a tree with a sleeping cougar on it, or cross a shallow river filled with snakes?
  20. P

    Name Three Game!

    cherry syrup soda (flitwick), gillywater (mcgonagall), red currant rum (fudge) Name 3 uncommon natural disasters.