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  1. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa was shocked to hear all of those countries, she'd visited some of them, but never lived in all of them. " I think that I'd like to join your family if you move around like that." Alyssa was a bit of a traveler herself, she didn't like to be cooped up into one place only. That's why...
  2. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa threw her long hair back, " Well let's see.. I've liven in England, that was super fun. I've lived in Germany, the food was great. I lived in Russia for a bit when I was younger. And I've lived in Wales for quite some time. How about you?" It was an interesting question to ask someone.
  3. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa laughed, many people told her that she was different. " I get told that a lot, I'm just an odd soul." The brunette shrugged her shoulders. She always did wonder why she was put into Gryffindor rather than Slytherin.
  4. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa nodded, " My whole family was in Slytherin too.. I was the odd one out that was in Gryffindor, I was put into their because I was brave and I have a sh*tload of courage apparently. Well that's what my sister says at least." Alyssa shrugged her shoulders.
  5. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa knew what he meant about not being close, neither was she with her mother. " Well I must've been blind to not see a handsome guy walking around school, but I guess I was. I was in Gryffindor, how about you?" She asked. " I'm just a simple girl living a super not simple life." The brunette...
  6. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa was shocked to hear so much about family in literally a few sentences. " That's a lot of family." She gave a small laugh, " I'm really sorry to hear about your dad though." She nodded, Alyssa couldn't ever imagine loosing her father. " Well.. I was born in Ireland, went to Hogwarts...
  7. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa smiled, she hated to spend the night alone. Living alone in general was a bother if she didn't have her cat with her. " No, it's not a trouble with me, I'd be glad to have you here." Alyssa kissed him on his neck. " Tell me more about yourself, all I know is what you can do with a girl...
  8. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa smiled at him happily, " Oh I did have a lot of fun." She looked over her shoulder at him. He was pretty good and that made her happy. " Do you want to stay the night?" The brunette asked him.
  9. A

    Why hello there

    The brunette couldn't resist from laughing, even though what he had said was entirely true. Of course she had to be wearing the most intricate clothes that made it impossible for the next human being to take it off. She helped him by taking her pants off, just to get he process quicker. A few...
  10. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa gave him a sly smile as he walked towards her. " Why do I believe that." She laughed. Alyssa put her arms around his neck and kissed him back.
  11. A

    Why hello there

    " Of course you can get a tour." The brunette lead him through the house, showing the various rooms and the highlight of each room. " My bedroom is definitely my favorite place to be, it's calming." She said, leading him into it. " It's quite cozy and comfy." The brunette sat on the bed. " Come...
  12. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa shrugged, " Either way your still good looking." She smiled at him. The brunette did have a pretty cool place, but that was because her dad was raking in cash. " My dad's a lawyer." She nodded, everyone understood everything when she said that.
  13. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa had a smirk on her face, she lived alone so it would be ok at her place. She didn't know if he did live with someone or not. " Mine sounds good." Alyssa stood up and took his arm to follow her out of the bar. She quickly apparated them to her condo in Manhattan. " You may ask why I was in...
  14. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa smiled up at Woody and nodded. " Of course I want to find out." She winked at him. The brunette picked up the drink and swalowed it down as a whole. It burnt but it saved her time. Alyssa put her mouth to his ear, " We'll find out what beauty can do." She moved her face away from his and...
  15. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa laughed at him, he was quite the charmer, but was he when he wasn't drunk? " That's quite an interesting name, are you as interesting as your name handsome?" She questioned him, playing along with him.
  16. A

    Why hello there

    Alyssa smiled and turned over to the guy that was at her side. " My name is Alyssa." the brunette said before looking at him closely. He was a really good looking guy. " What about your name handsome?" Alyssa winked at him.
  17. A

    Why hello there

    She had to check her messages, just incase her brother needed her or her sister. The brunette obviously had a few messages, there's always someone that needs her. She turned her attention to the seemingly drunk guy that was beside her. This could be some fun with him. " Hmm, this cutie would...
  18. A

    Why hello there

    The slender brunette walked quietly along the alley way, with literally nothing to do. Her 'date' had cancelled on her, it was a blind date so she didn't really care anyways, but she just wanted someone to love and for them to love her. Alyssa was sick of being single and alone, she did live...