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    Small absence

    I'm probably not going to be online for the next week as I'm busy with stuff. I play Gilbert Williams as well. Apologies to anyone it inconveniences (not many but still). Sen
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    Arthur smiled. Artemis. Goddess of the hunt, Arthur's mind supplied. A nice name. Arthur had always liked the Greek pantheon, naming his own cat after the goddess of wisdom. Arthur felt that if there were any deities in existence, it made sense that they would be a squabbling group each with...
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    Resolutions and Goals for the New Year?

    By the end of this year, I plan to learn to drive (finally), reduce my computer usage by half, stop biting my nails and complete one of the wrimos.
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    I love Artemis' Characterisation~ Arthur brushed the bench before sitting back down, watching as Artemis sat down immediately began to fidget. He almost wanted to point out that she didn't have to stay and talk to him. He wouldn't mind if she left. “I see” Arthur replied solemnly, adding with...
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    My biggest addiction is the internet. It is fairly efficient at destroying all productivity and keeps me online until the early hours of the morning. I pass up social events to stay connected and put off doing chores like ironing, washing, cleaning and preparing my dinner in order to prolong...
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    Arthur was oblivious to Artemis's antics, happily reading on even as she attempted to ambush him. He barely registered her yelp of pain, turning a page as she slipped under the bench. He didn't even notice her hit his foot. He did, however, register the question, the scholar in him unable to...
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    What are you listening to?

    When you were young - the killers I love this song~~
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    Last Movie You Saw

    I'm a sucker for disney films. Tangled. It was great~ Even if it was me and a hundred little kids.
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    Desperate for a book to read, Arthur had marched to the library bright and early, mind filled with questions and concepts he wanted to research and explore. Unfortunately, the library was already busy and Arthur had had to settle with extracting one book and leaving to find some other place to...
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    Your Characters Name?

    If I heard the combination 'Arthur Quinn' or 'Gil Williams' I'd certainly have a double take. Actually, Senwyn would surprise me more, as that's my online persona. I'd be pretty freaked out if someone yelled 'Senwyn' at me. I'm pretty paranoid so it would freak me out if someone somehow...
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    Arthur Quinn

    The Basics Character's Name: Arthur Quinn Character's Birthdate: 18th March 2016 Hometown: Newhey, Rochdale. Moved to New Zealand as a 'fresh start' when his father died. Blood Status: Muggle Born Wand: Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Appearance Short and...
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    Sorting Reactions

    How did you react where your character was sorted? I was very happy. Actually, I sort of punched my fist into the air and had a little victory dance (How pathetic do I sound?). Even though I knew that Arthur would be a Ravenclaw, I was actually sort of hoping the hat would do a 180 on me and...
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    Arthur Quinn [WIP]

    Full Name: Arthur Quinn Date of Birth: 18th March Current Age: 11 Basic Appearance: Short and skinny with the boniest knees imaginable, Arthur is a mere scrap of a boy with plenty of growing left to do. Arthur stands at 4' 2 and is used to looking up at most of his peers. His face is round...