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  1. C

    "WHAT THE?!... ELF!!!!"

    Chalky watched Mr Laurence Zemonif's changes of mood, and it interested her. She had never seen someone be so angry, then pensive, then scared, then outgoing in such a small space of time before. It was confusing her feelings too, half of her wanted to be scared, half wanted to laugh and half...
  2. C

    "WHAT THE?!... ELF!!!!"

    Chalky panicked and flinched as this person who must have been the Mr Laurence Zemonif person, but he was a lot taller and scarier than she had imagined. "Whoowww" she squeaked while she twisted and wriggled. "I CAME TO MEET YOU! I KNEW THERE WAS SOMEONE I DIDN'T KNOW, SO I CAME TO MEET YOU MR...
  3. C

    "WHAT THE?!... ELF!!!!"

    As per usual, Chalky was bored. Bored as a house elf with nothing to do. Mistress Sydney was a lovely mistress, she treated Chalky very well, but she was not used to such an easy work load after working for the Mintkin elders all her life. Now being in a new place, new surroundings, she wanted...
  4. C

    Woah! Who do you belong to?

    Chalky was confused at the thought of something getting bigger as it got older. As an apple gets older it shrinks! Well, after its picked. "Mistress! He tried to kill me! And the small... umm, young people were all helping him! I thought I was going to die! I forgot how to apparate, I nearly did...
  5. C

    Woah! Who do you belong to?

    "Mistress Sydney!!" Chalky was so relieved to see her mistress she couldn't contain herslef. It had after all, been a very scary sort of day! "No no mistress, I was looking for... well... I wasss... Why are those little people so... little? At first I thought they maybe odd goblins but... AHH...
  6. C

    Woah! Who do you belong to?

    Chalky didn't like being half this kind of treatment at the best of times, let alone by two small people who she didn't know. Once again snapping her fingers, she appeared in the middle of a near by tree, a safe distance she thought. Still quivering a little, she replied to Mr Teddy Cameron "No...
  7. C

    Woah! Who do you belong to?

    Chalky was actually quite exited to meet someone her own size... who wasn't tied into a strnage little seat thingy on wheels, and asleep. But this one... she could smell it was something strange, like a mixture of clay, fake banana and glue. A horrible combination. She took a step back away from...
  8. C

    Woah! Who do you belong to?

    Chalky shook her head and pressed her lips together tight, making a "mm mmmm" sound. She looked Him dead in the eye and snapped her fingers. Now peeping at him round the side of the bench, she continued to stare at him harshly, strait in the face, "Can't say. Won't say. Here for me anyway, not...
  9. C

    Woah! Who do you belong to?

    Chalky flinched and wiggled and squeaked. She saw the brown rusty blade coming toward her and didn't even think about apparating, just panicking. And at the mention of her mistress thinking ill of her, and maybe punishing her was beyond thought! "NO! You wouldn't! I'd do any..." She didn't...
  10. C

    Woah! Who do you belong to?

    Chalky gave a little squark-like sound at the boy's outburst, it was quite unexpected. Family? She thought, so it is human... As Teddy Cameron grabbed her, she winced, and flinched, and wiggled to brake free, before looking at the boy with a smug look, clicked her fingers and apparated to the...
  11. C

    Woah! Who do you belong to?

    Chalky giggled and ignored the boy's question. She went over to the baby, asleep in the pushchair stared, blinked once and gently poked it's foot just once before jumping backwards. She had never seen such a small human being before, as that was what she took it to be. She looked to the boy in...
  12. C

    Woah! Who do you belong to?

    Chalky was bored. Ever-so-bored. It had been a while since Sydney had required her assistance, or spoken to her atall, and Chalky wanted something to do... or someone to bother. She moped around the various parks, and streets in the area, but there seemed to be very few, and very boring people...