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    Aspen Knight

    </COLOR>[center]Aspen Knight Aspen: Aspen Tree Knight: This is a medieval status name from the Olde English pre 7th Century "criht", meaning boy, youth or serving lad, later extended to mean a tenant bound to serve his lord as a mounted soldier and therefore a man of some importance and...
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    Aspen Knight

    What do you wish to do with your life after Hogwarts, it is better to have some idea early so you can strive to meet that goal? Probably an Auror, or a Muggle relations job. He knows that many wizards are prejudiced, and he doesn't like the thought of them being treated badly, even if they...
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    A Knight in shining armour

    Okay, here is Aspen Knight. He isn't very well developed yet, but here goes. He is a sweet boy, who really tries to live up to his last name. He won't let bullies get away with anything, and he is particularly protective of his brother and sister. I want everything. Enemies, who hate him...
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    Aspen Knight

    How has your family taken the news that you are a wizard? How has that effect your relationship with them? They are shocked, of course, but they admit that it explains a lot. Ash, his brother, wants to go with him, Rose is just sad that he will be going away for a long time. His parents are...
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    Aspen Knight

    Thank you for posting! What house do you want to be in the most? Why? Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, as he is both intelligent and brave. What house do you want to be in the least? why? Slytherin. He despises their views on muggles, all his family being muggles themselves. Did you parents attend...
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    Aspen Knight

    Aspen Knight Gender: Male Characters Birth date: 28 February 2015 Star Sign: Pisces Characters Age: Ten Blood Type: A Positive Wand: None Blood Status: Muggle-Born Hometown: Auckland Heritage: English Currently Living: Auckland [hr] Hair: Sandy brown hair that always gets in his eyes Eyes...