Search results for query: *

  1. D

    A little Sugar and Spice

    Dante chuckled when she seemed to realise what it was they were making, and she seemed to know exactly had to make it. In fact, she actually had a recipe. That much surprised Dante, because he thought she had just been coming up with it from the top of her head, but it seemed like she was just...
  2. D

    A little Sugar and Spice

    Dante rolled his eyes when she said that she wasn't very good at cooking. Lucky for her, Dante was practically a professional cook, and he would be able to keep her on track, and make sure that the cupcakes turned out nicely. He chuckled to himself, and smiled at Willow. "Lucky for you, I am a...
  3. D

    A little Sugar and Spice

    Dante chuckled as she began to tell him a little bit about her life, and when he said a little bit, he sure meant it. One story was all he got, but he didn't really mind. He smiled to himself, and walked over to her, already willing to try and help her make the cupcakes, as long as he was able...
  4. D

    A little Sugar and Spice

    Dante walked through the castle, already having found the kitchens after a day here. He loved it down here, and at this castle, everyone was so nice, and the house elves were even nicer then the students, sometimes. Now that Dante had been sorted into the same house as his best friend, Flora, it...
  5. D

    Happy Valentines Day!

    Dante smiled at her, as she said she hadn't expected anything in return, but he still felt bad about not having got her something in return, but she didn't seem to care, so he wouldn't worry too much about it. He winked at her, and together they walked through the somewhat busy streets of...
  6. D

    Happy Valentines Day!

    Dante smiled at her when she hugged him back, and slowly followed her when she began to tug on his sleeve and drag him over. He didn't mind if she wanted him to go with her and see things. He liked spending time with her, and he could quite easily stay here with her for the rest of the day. He...
  7. D

    Happy Valentines Day!

    Dante walked through the streets of Obsidian, searching for Flora. He had taken a liking to her when he had met her last, and he had wondered why she had wanted him to come and see her today. Sure, he didn't mind coming out to see his friends, but he usually liked to know why. Dante knew it was...
  8. D

    Awe Look, Kitties!

    Dante blinked as she blushed. He had never known anybody to blush when somebody had laughed at them. He would love to know what was going through her mind. She seemed to be interested by little things, but she seemed like a good person to get to know. He thought she would be anyway. He didn't...
  9. D

    A little overdue

    Welcome back from your absence, Lexi! :hugs: It's good to have you back. ^_^ - Zach.
  10. D

    Awe Look, Kitties!

    Dante chuckled to himself, she seemed to be quite distracted by the pets, and he had no idea why. Dante could care less about them right now, but his opinion on them would probably change when he attended Hogwarts. He smiled when she turned around, and looked to be nervous, at first anyway. She...
  11. D

    Awe Look, Kitties!

    Dante walked along the streets of Obsidian, kind of a boring way to spend a day in his opinion. He hadn't found anything interesting out here, and all the people were boring. He had even taken a look around all of the shops to try and alleviate some of his boredom. Dante chuckled to himself...
  12. D

    What are you listening to?

    Chemical Rush - Brian McFadden.
  13. D

    Graphics Request [C]

    I would like Sammy ♥ to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Dante Summers Banner Type: Blend *Banner Size: Up to you. Celebrity you're using: Logan Lerman Images on banner: Anything from this photoshoot. *Background Image: Up to you. *House Crest/Dark Mark: Nopers. Text on...