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  1. R

    Seven little girls in two stright lines

    Rosemary stood separate to the other girls, watching with cold eyes and a sweet smile on her face as she sized them up, trying to work out who was competition, and who she could control or manipulate easily. She got the feeling that Dympna would see through any attempts to frame others, but she...
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    Seven Little girls in two stright lines

    Yeah, Calypso suits Rosemary. How do I change her name?
  3. R

    first day

    [font=Monaco]Calypso saw that no one really cared that she had been attacked. Desperate to gain their favour again, she picked up a nearby frog and bit into it. It was made of something she'd never tasted before, sweet and oily. Grimacing, she forced herself to swallow it. "It tastes very...
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    Graphics Request [C]

    Wow, these are all really good! Thank you guys so much! Now I have to choose... :o
  5. R

    Six little girls in two stright lines

    Okay cool! How should they meet? Cally attends Kowhai Junior Wizarding Acadamy, so maybe a social worker or someone could recommend Dympna for over the holidays?
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    first day

    [font=Monaco]Calypso watched in horror and disgust as the girl - Kiara - bit into one of the things. Sitting down, she wished she knew the teacher better. Would she believe Calyspo's lies and punish the boy, or was she too intelligent? She looked over at the boy again, and said in a low voice...
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    Six little girls in two stright lines

    I know you don't want older than five, but I have Calypso here, and I think she'd be perfect. She has grown up spoilt rotten, but at the first sign of magic her parents exiled her. She barely speaks any English, and has been brought up to believe that everyone not on the island she grew up on...
  8. R

    Calypso Circe Costas

    The Basics Character's Name: Calypso Circe Costas Meaning: First Name: Calypso was a Nymph who lived on the island of Ogygia. The family legends say that Calypso's family is descended from her, though the validity of this is questionable. Middle Name: Circe was an enchantress who drugged her...
  9. R

    first day

    [font=Monaco]Calypso smiled when the girl pushed her plate away too. Opening her guidebook, she searched through quickly. She had grown more adept at figuring out what it meant, and had written in what some of the more confusing words meant with a pencil, but it was still time-consuming and...
  10. R

    first day

    [font=Monaco]Calypso was eating her food when she realised that the girl next to her had probably been asking a question. Cally wasn't planning on offending anyone until she saw who had the power here, so she turned back and said, "My name is Calypso Costas." She hesitated then, not knowing how...
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    first day

    [font=Monaco]Calypso sat uncomfortably on one of the chairs in the room, her back straight as a board, listening to the woman explain the safety guidelines. She didn't know much English, having only just picked up the words, 'Yes', 'No, and 'Thank you'. She had, however, learnt to say 'I am...
  12. R

    Rosemary Circe Soul

    Rosemary Circe Soul Circe: A sorceress who drugged her victims, sometimes transforming them into animals. Odysseus stayed on her island for a year. Rosemary was given this name by her biological mother after she showed signs of magic. [hr] Gender: Female Character's Birth date: 31 December...
  13. R

    Graphics Request [C]

    I would like <anyone> to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Calypso Costa Banner Type: (Standard/Blend/Complex/Linked) Any Celebrity you're using: Morena Baccarin Images on banner: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Text on banner: Calypso Costas Avatar Request Form Character...
  14. R

    attention all you kiwi kids out there;

    There, done. I actually made another character! That makes my active character count.... two! =)) :D