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  1. S

    We Don't Want Any

    Silvester now turned to stare at his sister. What had changed so suddenly? What was going through her mind? He had no intention of playing happy families with Francesca. He loved his daughter, of course he did, but he didn't feel love for Francesca.. Did he? He eyed his sister with a confused...
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    We Don't Want Any

    Lisbeth was in the room with them, now, but Silvester did not turn around to face her. Instead, he just watched his daughter, smiling at her in a slightly sad way. Lisbeth's words only prompted his memory as to the decision he would have to make. Of course, it was never really anyone's decision...
  3. S

    We Don't Want Any

    "My sister has always been like that way," Silvester replied, though he remained crouched by his daughter. "She likes none." He could see the tear dripping from Francesca's chin. Had his sister really upset her that much? Silvester did not stand up, he did not spew comforting words or join her...
  4. S

    We Don't Want Any

    Silvester was fully dressed and staring at himself in the full-length mirror of his bedroom. What was he going to say to Francesca after all these years? What was he going to do? Lisbeth was no help at all, passing by the door and muttering ".. Hag is in the living room.." She had let them in...
  5. S

    We Don't Want Any

    Silvester remembered Francesca. This was why he had unsubtly slammed the door in her face. He had never told Lisbeth about what had happened.. Well, it wasn't exactly her business, was it? But then, Lisbeth Adler ruled both her and her twin brother's life. She almost always got her way, the only...
  6. S

    The Seven Days of Adler

    Silvester fanned his hand at Joseph, blowing away the reply he tried to make. "No," Silvester answered, "of course he doesn't." Joseph was looking really distraught at the thought of Clara and Silvester taking to the hallways of the mansion for a long stroll and a chat. A chat which could soon...
  7. S

    The Seven Days of Adler

    Silvester had spoken with Joseph only moments before, of his skill with witches. The knock at the door brought him to his senses- well, he became about as alert as the sheep he was, could be. He attempted to see around Joseph to witness whom was behind the great oak door. This having failed, he...