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  1. C

    Walking while waiting for her girls.

    Chikako Katsunie was walking around waiting for Hoshi and Kita to finish with thier shoping with the mininal amount of damage. She looked up in the sky and saw her owl P-chan come back to her. "What had you been up to?" She asked softly. The owl laned on her shoulder and just hooted in an...
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    Somewhere over yonder

    (( :D Alittle bit my falt, she sopped to be alittle more horrable at english.)) Chikako looked around again then saw the elevater. "Ok I think I can find office for hea. Domo Arigato Mista Anderson." She said with another quick bow. She slid the falling...
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    Somewhere over yonder

    Chikako's eyes went wide the steped away from him to bow at the waist with her hands together. "Sorry I didn't know you held sush a high position." She said as she strightened back out. She got her wand back then looked around. Oh yes she could easyly get lost here.
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    Somewhere over yonder

    Chikako nodded while giving her wand up for inspection. "Yes it was sort of hard to get started but I've got it going well now. How about you, what you do here?" She asked. She felt him to a nice person. Chikako was still on her guard but she had made it into the Minestry building ok so she...
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    Somewhere over yonder

    She missed the charry blossomes at home that came with spring but that was it. She looked around againg trying to memorise how they had gotten here. "I run the post office in Hosmead. I love to look after all the owls." She said. She had worked hard to set up her post office though there where...
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    Somewhere over yonder

    Chikako didn't mind. She had to tell someone where she was going other wise she might get lost in the Minestry building too. "I going to The Internatonal law offace to see if all paper work correct." She said. She tended to worry about small things sometimes but she had to make sure eveything...
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    Somewhere over yonder

    Chikako looked around alittle parehesively as she walked after him. She really dind't like not knowing her way around. "It big enough that I get lost easyly." She said. Afew moments after wards she cought her own mustakes and whinsed. She could tell already living here was going to harder than...
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    Somewhere over yonder

    Chikako hesatated alittle. After what happened to her in her native Tokyo she wasn't that trusting of new people. "Alright after you. I'm Chikako by the way, just moved hea." She said politely. She wondered for a moment what her girls where doing home alone then thought it better not to know.
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    Somewhere over yonder

    Chikako looked at the man. Are hoods the norm around these parts? she asked herself before puting on an equally kind smile. "Yes I was wondaring if you could tell me whea the The Minestry of Magic is." She asked. She tryed her best not to mess tha language to bad. She had only been leaning...
  10. C

    Somewhere over yonder

    Chikako Katsunie was lost again. She didn't know well the imigration laws around here but she was sure she had done everything right. Just to make sure Chikako was visting the Minestry. She had her hair in her normal tight bun but she wished he had left her lase up shoes at home. All the walking...
  11. C

    Eating Breakfast

    A small pygmy owl swooped down on the Slytherin. He could sense the more or less the person that the letter it was carrying was ment for so he landed infront of Athene and stuck it's leg out to give her the letter from her uncle.
  12. C

    Moving in at Hogsmead

    Mrs. Katsunie sighed and rubbed her temple. She had to ask someone which was not so good for her because of her situation. Finally she saw a man come out of a pub. I probobly makeing big mustake. She thought as she walked to him. "Excuse me, ahh can you tell me wha this street is?" She said...
  13. C

    Moving in at Hogsmead

    Mrs. Katsunie had arainged to rent a flat here at Hogsmead while the girls where still waiting for thier Hogswart letters. She felt alittle safer here then back in Japan but she still couldn't help but look over her shoulder. She had warrned Hoshi and Kita not to go very far but that wasn't...
  14. C

    Mrs. Katsunie

    Name: Chikako Katsunie Birthdate: April 14 1990 (Is now 28 years old) Blood Status: Pureblood Hair: Waist laingth brown for now. Eyes: Blueish like her daughters, almond and slanted History: Chikako was one of her family's most treasured children until the Takahashi's found out that she had...