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  1. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed You Can't "Get Married" If You're Married

    This was a disaster of the highest order. Sure Rica was always up for chaos. But she firmly believed that disaster and chaos were two very different things and her twin just caused the former. Dinner hasn’t even really started yet and the guests had already begun to leave and they were upset...
  2. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed They say "no"; but I say "yes"

    Jericah sighed as she watched the whole thing transpire. It was short, but really could have come out of one of those dramas that Corey liked. She definitely called it though. "Told you you could share the dad," she murmured not really intending for either of them to hear. It would probably ruin...
  3. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed They say "no"; but I say "yes"

    Jericah had always known that she was her parents' daughter. Stubborn to a fault. Even if the stubbornness could be quite misplaced. And so she didn't put her wand down. "I will when you let him go," she insisted. She wasn't even trying to be sassy right now. Just literally, insisting that...
  4. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed They say "no"; but I say "yes"

    Jericah practically jumped when some unknown man was upon them. Her first thought was Dad because Dad would be freaking out if she was with some dude in Bleak Street of all places when Mum had told her earlier not to go anywhere near and she would definitely be in trouble. This was why she froze...
  5. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed They say "no"; but I say "yes"

    Jericah couldn't help but laugh because she thought that maybe the guy was flirting too? Fine, it was endearing. And new. She didn't interact much with the other people at Mahoutokuro and they didn't interact much with her. She was blunt, forward, sarcastic, and had quite a bit of sass slash...
  6. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed They say "no"; but I say "yes"

    Jericah was certainly pleased that Crispin thought she could take him on. He didn't sound sarcastic so point for him. She had some skill in duelling though not enough to be notable, she was at least sure that she could land a punch. Dad always did say that most wizards don't bother with physical...
  7. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed They say "no"; but I say "yes"

    Jericah was trying very hard not to laugh at boy's outrage? He was very quiet about it but it definitely shows on his face. It's definitely a Western thing she decided. She and her siblings never had an issue with referring to Uncle Miah as an uncle and they were hardly related. Or Aunt Arianna...
  8. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed They say "no"; but I say "yes"

    "Well, just share the man with your brother if you want a dad," Jericah said with a shrug. Boy, was he angsty. He was kind of like Jai really, back before he knew his wife. He was unsure sometimes where he stood with Uncle Liam and he didn't like Uncle Miah. At least they got it all cleared up...
  9. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed They say "no"; but I say "yes"

    Jericah's eyes narrowed when the boy finally admitted that the jig was up. She had to snort when he finally admitted that he was a kid when he knew a previous show owner. "You should have just said your dad used to own the shop," she said without missing a beat. She rolled her eyes. Boys were...
  10. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed They say "no"; but I say "yes"

    Jericah was unimpressed. She had ten siblings. When one had Yuki for an older sibling, Ru for a twin, and six younger siblings, it was easy to develop a bulls**t meter. Ro could lie better than this dude and bless her sister's soul but Rica was pretty sure that Ro would be panicking before she...
  11. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed They say "no"; but I say "yes"

    Jericah hadn't dared go into the shop even if the jewelry did look interesting. While she had an allowance, she didn't think she brought enough to buy anything from the shop even if some of the things looked ancient from what she could see from the window. Things that looked really old she knew...
  12. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed They say "no"; but I say "yes"

    Jericah couldn't figure out why they all had to go to New Zealand this year. At least Corey, Roxas, and Yuki had the option to not go. When her parents had announced that they would all be staying in New Zealand for a week for a family vacation and to shop for school supplies and a wand for the...
  13. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed You Can't "Get Married" If You're Married

    "Well it's pretty well-deserved!" Jericah shot back at her mum just as Kakeru blurted out the stupidest thing he ever could, which really proved her point. She had to facepalm at his words though, or bang her head at the table. She can't believe they were related. She didn't even know where he...
  14. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed You Can't "Get Married" If You're Married

    Jericah wondered why she had a twin. Like, couldn't Kakeru have been born the year before? Or after? Like who decided that hey, these two would make a perfect set of twins? Her twin was an idiot. "I'm not dating anyone you idiot!" she snapped at her twin before her dad could be scandalized...
  15. Jericah Edogawa

    Closed You Can't "Get Married" If You're Married

    Jericah often wonders what her parents were thinking when they decided that ten kids was a good idea. Sure they had a lot of space and the house had a lot of bedrooms, but they didn't need to fill up the bedrooms. It was so noisy all the time and that was when there was no family reunion going...
  16. Jericah Edogawa

    Other Students List

    Mahoutokuro - 6th going on 7th