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  1. B

    Talking to Myself

    Brenna allowed herself a half-smile. She was glad Bella seemed to care about her surname. "Du-na-yev-ah-skay-ah." she pronounced each syllable. Brenna thought carefully about the question. "Hogwarts is..." she paused, wondering how she could describe Hogwarts. "Different. I did not go to a...
  2. B

    Talking to Myself

    Brenna wondered what her life would be life if she had chosen not to come to Hogwarts. It would have been a lot simpler, and she knew for certain that she would have been much happier. Brenna heard footsteps, and Bee smiled at her. "Bye, Brenna." Bee said, fading away into the air before the...
  3. B

    Talking to Myself

    Brenna wandered along the edge of the lake, talking to Bee, her imaginary friend. "Bee, do you think I'm weird?" she asked in a worried tone. Bee smiled at Brenna. "Of course I don't, you're lovely just the way you are. Don't listen to anyone who calls you weird, they're just jealous!" she...
  4. B

    Brenna Dunayevskaya

    Photo Album Brenna and her first "real" friend, Lianna Brenna
  5. B

    Brenna Dunayevskaya

    Under construction! Hard hat zone! Name TheTruth: Brenna Deyanira Athanasia Marise Dunayevskaya TheLies: Brenda Emily Dunayevskaya Facts - Has an imaginary friend called Bee