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  1. F

    Terrible Fortune

    With the assurance of freedom whenever she needed it, Firr plunged herself back into Johannes' arms. There was nothing she liked more than to cosy herself up there, for despite her being frightened of very few things, she never felt safer than when she was near him. Her little hand crept up...
  2. F

    Terrible Fortune

    Firr couldn't help but stare open-mouthed at Johannes as he spoke. Why ... why, he was being so sweet to her? Maybe he was just saying that her baby would love her to console her, but she was reassured all the same and wanted to give him a kiss. Her trembling lips split into an astonished and...
  3. F

    Terrible Fortune

    Despite her terror, Firr couldn't help but enjoy his hands in her hair. She was no longer sobbing but the downturn of her mouth and her still tear-filled eyes said everything. Her pain in this matter was not yet over and she would be scared for a long time yet. Johannes asked her what she wanted...
  4. F

    Terrible Fortune

    It was never that easy in life. Of course Johannes called out to her and ran to catch up. Of course he was shocked and had no idea what to say or do. Yet it didn't stop irritation rising in Firr as she whirled around to confront him. "Of course I'm sure, you dolt! Did you think I was so...
  5. F

    Firr Micheva

    . F I R R ' S . R E L A T I O N S H I P S . F R I E N D S Best Friends :: Through many years of thick and thin ; I'll always call you mine, my kin Close Friends :: I'll tell you all my deepest fears ; and in return, you have my ears Partners in crime :: Boil and bubble, double double ; that's...
  6. F

    Terrible Fortune

    How long had it been since Firr had last set eyes on Johannes Engel? Surely it must have been two months, or three. She missed him much more than she cared to tell, even if she had no one to tell it to. Two days she had spent with the serious wonder who was such a ridiculous stiff that she...
  7. F

    Land, Ho!

    Firr grinned her pixie-ish grin at him and began to tug him by the shirt into the lower cabin. There was something about Johannes that made her want to bury herself into his skin and stay there forever. Rather than questioning that urge like most people would, Firr just rolled with it and...
  8. F

    Brand Spanking New Banner [C]

    Oooh, yes please, it's perfect! Thank you! :hugs:
  9. F

    Land, Ho!

    She really didn't understand. What did he mean 'so much more'? "More than Firr?" she asked, no comprehension shining in her eyes but wide-eyed puzzlement. "What would I have to be, then ... a centaur? I can't change, I'm just Firr!" said Firr to Johannes as she sloshed around awkwardly which was...
  10. F

    Land, Ho!

    Firr gave Johannes a look that floated somewhere between sadness and confusion. He didn't look too pleased to be wet, which was understandable, but she had an inkling that it wasn't why he was scowling. Lightly she touched the frown lines with her fingertips as he talked, trying to figure out...
  11. F

    Land, Ho!

    Urgh, the nerve of him! For Johannes to suggest that they weren't that different simply because she'd burnt her fish seemed like a great insult to Firr, even though that hadn't been the point at all. It could have been him just implying that he couldn't cook either, or something else deeper...
  12. F

    Land, Ho!

    Firr rubbed her pink-tinged nose as she watched him dress with open interest, spending a good long moment staring at his bum as he bent over. Nevertheless, the look on her face wasn't quite as perverted as one would expect it to be in such a circumstance, which was what threw people off. She did...
  13. F

    Land, Ho!

    "Of course I said sailing!" said Firr, looking almost offended at the thought of having said anything but. She gave his nose a good tweak and rolled off so that she was now bouncing beside him with barely suppressed energy. How on earth she didn't have a killer hangover was beyond the human...
  14. F

    Land, Ho!

    </COLOR>[hr]Oh, the throes 'o drunken fancy[hr] <COLOR color="#ee4a2d">"...and trail the seas till ev'n the fleas will want tae sink below!" sung Firr loudly as she steadily pulled her new flag up the pole till the strange material met the breeze. It seemed like a rather sorry flag; split right...
  15. F

    Land, Ho!

    Instead of wandering around the cabin in search of a no-doubt dirty glass, Firr simply handed him one of the two bottles and clinked hers against his heartily. "Yo ho, drink up hearty!" she said, and tipped her bottle up into her mouth. Some minutes later, but was actually several hours, Firr...
  16. F

    Land, Ho!

    "No, ship." retorted Firr firmly, and promptly began to drag him outside. After all that fuss about money and food, and Firr simply walked out of the restaurant without paying, giving no time for Johannes to be honest, himself. She had a habit of simply taking people wherever she wanted, quite...
  17. F

    Land, Ho!

    Firr was listening quite happily until the words 'my lady' came into play. For the briefest second, a flash of pure aggression raged on her features before it disappeared completely and fell right back into clueless delight. But before it did, she burst out "I am not your anything," which was...
  18. F

    Land, Ho!

    Firr leaned forward to place her elbow onto the table impolitely and rested her chin on her hand, staring at Johannes as if he was a monkey in a zoo doing a particularly interesting trick. As usual, her tongue was just poking out of the corner of her mouth. It made her look perpetually amused at...
  19. F

    Land, Ho!

    "Yay!" said Firr loudly, her tears disappearing instantly and transforming back into the jolly grin. She pranced up to the man without hesitation and slapped his wallet back into his palm. Just to make sure that he didn't do a runner, the small woman linked her arm tightly with hers and pressed...
  20. F

    Land, Ho!

    Stupid persistent man, thought Firr irritably as she looked up to see her victim looking murderous while silhouetted in the streetlamp by the alleyway entrance. She was still entirely unafraid even then and had the gall to stuff his wallet into her back pocket before standing akimbo and pouting...