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  1. Kanao Ubuyashiki

    Ubuyashiki Kanao

    Ubuyashiki Kanao Fujiko Name in Kanji as 産屋敷 カナヲ 不二子 Her name is pronounced in Romaji as Kah-nah-oh Fuu-jee-koh Uh-bu-yah-shee-kee Born on the 14th of April, 2048 Born and residing in Aoyama, Minato City, Tokyo, Japan Halfblood Welsh and Japanese descent This courageous Aries with a...
  2. Kanao Ubuyashiki

    Rarely do this but I need one, Please

    Name: Kanao Ubuyashiki Play-By: Reina Triendl Text on Banner: If we all keep smiling, the sprites may gradually go away and leave this place alone. Colour Scheme: I would love a scheme that has the same colour as the Japanese Wisteria, please Images: One Two Three Other: Also, if possible, add...