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    Fanks Nick :)
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    So long. Farewell

    I didn't even see the banners :r I'll miss you though... saying goodbye to anyone is hard. Good luck with the getting-over-illness thing... :wub: Olivia ♥
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    Kat needs a life.

    Would Kat like to join in my topic in the forest? Basically Amelia is trying to set the forest on fire coz she doesn't like the school. She'd probably end up as an ememy, although a very young one xD . What do you think?
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    *siiiighhh* >.<

    Oh noooo lita! Hope things get better soon :wub: well just keep waiting for you on this end.
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    Family Correspondence

    Ellie got a reply from Aroha almost immediately. She ripped open the parchment, hoping that it was from her niece.
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    Join the plastic cult...if you dare

    Don't use the term 'showdown', thats the one generally used for the Sephora/Maria fight xD lol.
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    Join the plastic cult...if you dare

    Amelia will hate to watch a ringleader xD she prefers to be in charge :lol:
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    Join the plastic cult...if you dare

    Sooo... like a clique? That thing that we all hate at school??? Count Amelia in!
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    Family Correspondence

    Ellie was washing dishes in her dingy kitchen when she saw an owl coming towards her window. She frowned; owls don't normally come into Dunedin at this time of day. She opened the window and recognized the owl as her mother's old owl. But mother's... her thought disappeared as she saw the...
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    Ellie Mayfield

    Character's Name: Ellie Mayfield Character's Birthdate: 14/03/2005 Blood Status: Muggleborn Educated At: Homeschooled Occupation: Muggle kindy teacher. Personality: Ellie is quiet and caring, eager to help children learn. She lives to help, leaving little time for herself. Family: Ellie's...