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  1. S

    Boyfriends Wanted: Apply Within

    Hey! I've been thinking that a person of Sia's age and character probably needs a boyfriend pretty soon. Anyone got any male characters looking? He needs to be fairly close to her age, and have a similar personality to some extent. I'm not talking soulmates, unless you think that would work...
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    Ripples and New People

    Sia sat by the lake's shore, daydreaming and watching the water. She loved the way it moved, hue rippling into a thousand shades of cool blue-green. She wished she could paint it, but Sia knew she wasn't that good at art. It didn't matter, not today. The small girl was content to just enjoy the...
  3. S

    Sia Riversend

    Sia Rosalie Riversend Friends Best Friends Close Friends Partners in crime Average Friends Student Friends Distant Friends Family Friends Protective Over Me Protective Over You Former Enemies Enemies Mortal Enemies Hardcore Enemies Average Enemies Rivals Mutual Dislike One Sided Enemy...
  4. S

    Sia Riversend

    The Basics Character's Name: Sia Rosalie Riversend Character's Birthdate: 8 April, 2013 Hometown: Dunedin (?) Blood Status: Half blood Wand: 8" oak and dragon heartstring Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Appearance Hair: Pale blonde, medium length Eyes: Vivid green Height: Short Style: Sia likes...
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    Unforseen Circumstances

    Sia wandered aimlessly through the garden. She had never been in this part of the grounds before, and she found it quite enchanting. Eventually she rounded a corner, and saw a vaguely familiar mass of hair. It was a girl her own age, or a little younger, and Sia was certain she knew her. The...
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    So much has happened . . . HELP!

    Sia stepped into the owlery with some apprehension. The last time she'd been in here, she'd been arguing with her long-lost relatives, and she doubted this visit would be any more cheerful. Sia was sorry about the bluntness of the questions in her letter, but she needed to know what was going...
  7. S


    Well, I'm as keen as anyone for the school holidays, but unfortunately I will be away from the internet for most of them. I may be able to post occasionally, but don't rely on it. This applies to characters: Sia Riversend (obviously) Lapis Lazuli Esmerelda Lazuli See you when term starts . . .
  8. S


    With first exam marks having just been posted, I've been eager for my character's grades. I found that I don't understand the Hogwarts-style gradings, and I can't find anywhere a key to what they mean. What do the letters stand for, or where can I find out?
  9. S

    Why is it Winter?

    Just wondering . . . HNZ is set in New Zealand, right. Then why does the House Points board up the top say it's August and Winter? I mean, I know it's been a mucky summer weatherwise, but . . .