Search results for query: *

  1. O

    Yellow :-h Blue <_<?

    Jeremy; Yes could you please, I'm not bothered were and just post the link or pm me it when it's done :D ! Blair; Emm could you start? and I'm really not bothered, wherever you wish! Aroha; I don't think Olivia would be too thrilled with the idea of having a mentor, she'd like to think she can...
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    Imogen Day please [C]

    [i][color=firebrick]I would like <Imogen Day> to fill my request. Banner Order Form Character's Name: Olivia Yewbeam Banner Type: Blend please *Banner Size: Up to you matee (: Celebrity you're using: Shailene Woodley Images on banner...
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    The works :)

    Thank you :D
  4. O

    The works :)

    Yayy, Fionai's first rp :D :lol: emm, would you mind, it's just that I'm really crap with starting and I'm trying to finish off something here on Olivia first, but I'll join you as Fionai straight away :D ?
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    Yellow :-h Blue <_<?

    Hey guys (: whoah a lot to work with, yayy :D Jeremy) Sounds good, Olivia could easily fulfil your want for an annoyance, Jeremy's serious, head down in school side would easily annoy Olivia, especially if she's trying to make friends with you, she'd find it pretty much impossible :lol: she's...
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    The works :)

    I can offer you up Fionai Lovat as a friend/best friend, she's also a 7th year at Beauxbatons (:
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    Yellow :-h Blue <_<?

    Well hello there, so if you're looking at this post you're most likely looking for some sort of friendship/relationship, right? Well SNAP, me too :lol: I know it's a little late and most people have all their characters relationships sorted and plots are being planned but hey, amma give it a...
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    Izaak please <3 [C]

    Wow, Izaak it's brilliant :D I love it :wub: Thank you so much :hugs: .
  9. O

    Izaak please <3 [C]

    I would like Izaak to fill my request please ^_^ . Banner Order Form Character's Name: Olivia Yewbeam Celebrity you're using: Shailene Woodley Images on banner: </I><I> These are a little cut off at the sides :( , so if you can't use them would you be able to pick any usable ones from here...