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  1. Hugo Stark-West

    Dreading the exams, wish you had someone to study with. Come and join Ravenclaw open study...

    Dreading the exams, wish you had someone to study with. Come and join Ravenclaw open study session each thursday night in the common room. lets get ready for exams together.
  2. Hugo Stark-West

    Common Connections

    Anisha and hugo both love books.
  3. Hugo Stark-West

    hugos new face

    Because he is no longer a twelve-year-old. Name: Hugo Stark West Play-By: nicholas galitzine Text on Banner: Hugo Stark-West "books are uniquely portable magic" Colour Scheme: whatever fits Image Options: 1 2 3 4 5 Additional Information: If his full name doesn't fit, then just "Hugo" is...
  4. Hugo Stark-West

    HM Meeting Y48 S2 - Very Important Office Morning Tea

    hugo had lived the idea of a morning tea for the newspaper. something casual where they could hang out. as they were all often rather busy with the work in the club to socialise properly. he had entered the room and was helping himself to a lammington as the conversation abut thebritish minister...
  5. Hugo Stark-West

    Sixth Years

    Hugo Stark West Ravenclaw sixth year
  6. Hugo Stark-West

    Hogwarts Monthly

    Hugo Stark-West Ravenclaw Sixth year Co-Editor
  7. Hugo Stark-West

    Head People & Prefects

    Hugo Stark-West Ravenclaw Sixth year
  8. Hugo Stark-West

    Y48 Dueling Match #38

    Over the last few days Hugo had physically recovered from his horrific duel. however he was pretty sure it would take longer to mentaly recover from the ordeal of both his duel and Oz's before hand. Today was the next round and he was there to watch and suppport Oz. he was annoyed that oz had to...
  9. Hugo Stark-West

    Open battered and bruised

    Hugo shut his eyes, the light was so bright. he opened them slower as he heard a voice and looked towards where it came from. "uhhh" he said as memories of the duels came flooding back along with the act across his chest and in his head. Theodore practically forcing Oz to go on a date with him...
  10. Hugo Stark-West

    Open battered and bruised

    hugo could hear something. he knew that he should probably wake up and get ready for classes but it was warm in bed and his body felt heavy he didn't want to move. even something as little as opening his eyes seemed like too much work. and for some reason he ached all over. his chest hurt, his...
  11. Hugo Stark-West

    Dueling Match #13

    Current Points: 130 hugo was starting to feel light headed and nauseous. he didn't even see i his spell had hit. he couldn't go on. he was just starting to raise his hand do conseed when he heard Terror cast another spell. the name famillier to him surly he had done enough damage and a simple...
  12. Hugo Stark-West

    Dueling Match #13

    Current Points: 120 hugo was not surprised that horror was abe to block his spell. but the next spell he heard was suck a shock to him that he only managed to get a 'prot... out before he felt it hit him square across his chest, pain he raised his hand to it and was unsuprised to feel the...
  13. Hugo Stark-West

    Dueling Match #11

    hugo hoped that he hadnt embariessed oz too much. but theodore was really out of control, and he was a prefect so surly standing up to mysogany and just general ickyness was a good thing. unfortunately while his call had saved oz from the remarks the attention had been turned to him. he didn't...
  14. Hugo Stark-West

    Dueling Match #13

    Current Points: 130- Hugo wasn’t going to underestimate horror. He knew that he was unlikely to win but he didn’t put it past the slytherin for playing dirty anyways. Unsurprised that his spell was blocked he readied himself to defend but was shocked when he heard the other incantation. If he...
  15. Hugo Stark-West

    Dueling Match #11

    hugo didnt have many people who he considered actual friends but Oz was one of them. he was currently sitting in the audience watching his friends duel tryng very hard not to think about his duel and oponent coming up. as the duel started it seemed like it would be a good one to watch a little...
  16. Hugo Stark-West

    Dueling Match #13

    Current Points: 140 hugo watched horror defend his spell. he wasn't surprised he was pretty sure that he was the better dueller. as he fought he thought that until this years it would be a winning spell. cant walk, camt cast spells. win. however after this year with many people learning non...
  17. Hugo Stark-West

    Dueling Match #13

    Current Points: 150 hugo wasnt sure why he had signed up for duelling. it was not something that was anywhere near his comfort zone. but he had supposed he should take lead from the hobbits and try something new which in this case was standing on a stage wand in his hand facing Horror...
  18. Hugo Stark-West

    🌹 Rose Giving A thankful rose

    hugo still had half of the bag o mini oreos left as he left the hogwarts monthly office. pleased that he had managed to deliver one more rose. it appeared that he had timed it very well as he heard hs name over the crowd. he turned and headed towards the girl. "Hey, Did you say you were looking...
  19. Hugo Stark-West

    🌹 Rose Giving Or rejoice because thorns have roses

    Hugo nodded a greeting as the door opened, and Professor Moncrieffe answered the door. "Hello Professor Moncrieffe. he said. and he shook his head at her comment. "oh no she is great. never awful. I mean she diiid pull my book out of my hands on Thursday just as i got to a good part. claiming...
  20. Hugo Stark-West

    Book Club March/April

    two of those are on my TBR list. Gideon and Greta. I got a copy of this in my book subscription (from my favorite indie bookshop) and it came with very high ratings and reviews, and the subscription chat talked about how the book was "side splitting" funny. The little blurb that came with the...