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  1. E

    .Diamonds are Forever.

    Long days dragged on for the most part bearable for the young man likings. Having to deal with the happenings in and outs of St.Mungos, there was nearly enough time for himself. Gloomy clouds never felt so real till this afternoon. A child was born, the weather so hot and humid, the child mother...
  2. E

    [!BR] The Series of Unfortunate Events

    Following his wife's death nothing has been the same. Elliott life went on but he still lived in the past. He didn't want to move forward, he wanted to go back time and stop whatever happen to his wife occurred. But even he couldn't disturb the elements of life. When a life is meant to be taken...
  3. E

    Mourning late Afternoon

    Funeral arrangements had been made a couple days prior to today. Going through the details hadn't been easy for the man who was now a widow. He didn't take like of that title when someone told him that. Widow. He despite the title and when he looked it up he hated the definition. He wasn't a...
  4. E

    Up North Again

    Canada: Back in Canada without Rosie at his side may have been torture for Elliott Woods. However he felt cold and neglected; ineffected by the one he loved and may never love again after finding out her secret. Being a death eater, you just can't never forget that. For what rule she lived by...
  5. E

    A note and you

    Months passed and no word from Rosie fail to hit home. Elliott grew anxious and nervous when he was at work. Everyone must've notice or why else would he be all the way in another country taking some time off just to see if he could find his missing wife and daughter. His mother agree to look...
  6. E

    Elliott [C]

    I would like <Joyce> to fill my request. Banner Order Form Character's Name: Elliott Woods Banner Type: (Standard/Blend/Complex/Linked) Slice Banner *Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion)Up to you Celebrity you're using:Wentworth Miller Images on banner: (For blends...
  7. E

    Set up Appointments

    [Topic to be Pin not Close] To Whom it may Concern; If you need anyone assistance, healer, caretaker, or midwife, etc. Please post here, if your not capable of posting, make sure your love one or caretaker is here to assist you. Basically just to get roleplay flowing in St. Mungos fill out a...
  8. E

    Elliott Woods

    The Basics Character's Name:Elliott Achilles Woods Character's Birthdate:September 25, 2002 Hometown:Ontario, Canada Blood Status: Mixed Blood Wand:(All the information on it you can provide) Educated At: Salem Occupation:St.Mungos Healer Appearance Hair:Short military crew cut hair style...