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  1. Miran Kemp

    Open Start line

    Miran nodded, pleased that everything had gone well. He took down a few final notes. He tilted his head, still scribbling, when he heard Mr. Kenner start speaking again. He paused, looking up a little stunned. "I'm sorry, did you just- ask me on a date?" He asked, a little thrown off by the...
  2. Miran Kemp

    Open Start line

    Miran hummed, taking a few notes. He proceeded with the appointment, asking the various questions and patching the man up. He kept his touch gentle, but with a bit of paste, a few spells, and some potions, Tyler was back in shape. Miran moved back to his desk, picking up a pad and scribbling...
  3. Miran Kemp

    Open Start line

    Miran nodded, and motioned for the man to sit on the exam table. "Of course, take a seat," He washed his hands. "Tell me what happened," He instructed, putting on a new set of gloves and picking up the medical chart- Martine filled them out then slid them onto his desk through the little window...
  4. Miran Kemp

    Dancing on the strings of my heart

    Miran chuckled, settling Georgie in his lap and rubbing her back gently. "You know his first love is a good meal," He teased them, smiling and nodding at Willow. "Hey, Wills. You know thats why they provide liqour- something for all us poor single folk to enjoy," He laughed, looking to his mom...
  5. Miran Kemp

    Dancing on the strings of my heart

    Miran had been surprised to be included in Allisons invitation to her wedding. He knew her a little bit- she was an adopted cousin of Caspers, and he'd met her a time or two before. But he was touched, so he'd dressed up, pulled his hair back in a low ponytail. He'd even found a really cute...
  6. Miran Kemp

    Miran Howard Kemp

    Miran Howard Kemp Birthday: January 21, 2037 Astrology Sign: Aquarius Hair Color/Length: Shoulder length, wavy, reddish brown Eyes: Hazel Face: Square Clothing Style: Miran tends to dress for comfort in baggier clothing Favorites: Food: Spaghetti Dessert: Mint Ice Cream Animals: Dogs...
  7. Miran Kemp

    Closed A late lunch

    Miran kept his jaw firmly shut as Kaelen stood- even though he wanted to drop it. Kaelen must be the type to turn all sorts of heads. Miran took a sip of his drink. "Sounds great to me," He offered with an easy smile. "I'll see you later on, then," He lifted up his cup to almost toast Kaelen.
  8. Miran Kemp

    Open Start line

    Miran was settling into his new life in New Zealand. They'd opened a private practice, he and Martine. Living in a lovely two story building. Basil had transformed the attic, Martine was living in the second floor, and Miran and Georgie had taken the first. They'd bought a small office building...
  9. Miran Kemp

    Closed Comeback

    Miran was hesitant, quiet for a few moments as he chewed on his lip. He sighed and stepped aside, motioning for her to enter the house. "Georgie," He told her gently. "Her name is Georgie Kemp." He shut the door behind them and walked to the living room, letting down the barriers he put up...
  10. Miran Kemp

    Closed Comeback

    Miran let her speak, quiet as he considered everything. "We're moving," He told her after a moment. "We're moving to New Zealand." He had his arms crossed. "My mother, brother and I will be getting a three story house. You can visit... on the weekends, supervised." He chewed on his lips. "But...
  11. Miran Kemp

    Closed A late lunch

    Miran chuckled. "Alright, I'm open for a late dinner if you aren't busy," He offered. "I'm in town for another few days, but I can come back for a lunch Saturday if you'd rather?" He mused, planning everything out in his mind. It should be simple enough- finding a sitter for Georgie was never a...
  12. Miran Kemp

    Closed Comeback

    Things were coming together. It wasn't often in his life that Miran had been able to say that. But staying with Martine had been the best decision he'd ever made. For the first time in his life, he felt like he had a family. Basil was protective of him, Cas called him often and his sisters...
  13. Miran Kemp

    Closed A late lunch

    Miran smiled easily, finishing his lunch. "That's true, though even if they don't, it's not impossible." He mused, nodding. He considered Kaelens proposition and smiled. "I could get behind that, sure," He offered, already planning on ordering a meal for Martine to take home, and maybe something...
  14. Miran Kemp

    Closed A late lunch

    Miran nodded. He bet Kaelan had made a great bodygaurd. "That is a switch," He commented idly. "Well, still, I'm glad you're here," He gave the man an easy smile. "I think fate does tend to get us where we need to go. Even if we don't understand it half the time," He laughed lightly, leaning...
  15. Miran Kemp

    Closed A late lunch

    Miran listened to Kaelen, chuckling. "I'm 22," He told him. "How old are you?" He asked, unsure with how old the man was, and a little afraid to guess. He smiled easily, leaning in a bit. He nodded at the mans answer. "That sounds rather noble," He complimented. Was there really any other reason...
  16. Miran Kemp

    Closed A late lunch

    Miran laughed lightly. "You have a point," He conceeded. "Honestly I was also considering opening a private practice, as well." He sipped his drink. "But it's still all up in the air." He shrugged before smiling up at the man. "What got you into this business, anyway?" He questioned, curious.
  17. Miran Kemp

    Closed A late lunch

    Miran couldn't help but laugh lightly at the mans words. "At least you could hold most babies with a single hand," He teased gently, before sipping on his drink. "Have you noticed any departments around that could use more workers?" He asked, thinking that it might help to go where he was needed...
  18. Miran Kemp

    Closed A late lunch

    Miran laughed lightly. "You do draw the eye," He countered. He sipped his drink. "I'm not sure... my studies have been fairly general up until now. If I transferred in, I'd have to pick a field to intern in as I focused my work." He gave him a smile. "How are you liking the department?" He...
  19. Miran Kemp

    Closed A late lunch

    Miran smiled as the man replied. "Oh, I'm thinking of transferring here," He offered easily. "It would be nice to know someone," He chuckled, sipping on his own drink. "What department do you work in? If you don't mind me asking," He took a bite of his food, studying the man as he ate.
  20. Miran Kemp

    Closed A late lunch

    Miran smiled shyly and took a seat. "Thanks," He offered, taking a seat and settling in. He looked up- way up- at the man, immediately curious. "My name is Miran," He offered. "Do you work here?" He asked, unable to resist. He just wanted to know, see if maybe this was someone he would see more...