As soon as he saw that tell tale black hair he knew it was her. Mary Alice had hair like that before she gave into her illness. He knew it had been an illness. Mary Alice was a godly woman who would never take her own life. Or at least that what Joseph had talked himself into believing. He swung...
Joseph Bones had escaped from the mental institution that had held him captive for so long. The brothers had put him in there after he's mind had been blanked by that demon that had taken over his daughter's body. His daughter, his precious Zazuka had lived in sin since the age of three. He only...
Joseph had been staring out into space, just standing there. He watched as his memories trickled out of his head one by one. Finally he dropped his eyes glazed over, his mind a blank slate. On accident Zazuka had destroyed her father's mind. He was like a new born just discovering the world. He...
Joseph saw that his would have no choice but to force her to relise Epiphany by force. He launched himself at the witch woman that had taken the form of his daughter but somehow she managed to slip though his hands. She dove for Epiphany to save the spawn within. Joseph knew that if one was...
Joseph had been looking for her for ages. Ever since the little sinner's sickness had started to show up in the little girl his Mary Alice had suffered and died to give birth to. Epiphany was his last child and he though that maybe his wicked wife would at last get a girl right. But the girl had...
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