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  1. Holden Marshall

    Closed This Sure Is A Date, Huh?

    As sick as the feeling made him, Holden felt as though for the first time in his life, he understood his father. The urge to bolt had never in his life been stronger as he waited for Vanity to meet him. This was a mistake - it had to be. He was waiting for the coolest girl in school, to take...
  2. Holden Marshall

    Closed Holden Wuz Here

    After so many years Holden knew he should be used to the beginning of year funk he wound up in, but it still took him by surprise every time. It wasn't like being home was that much better; his dad barely noticed he was there, and when they were at Melanie's Connor had stopped being openly...
  3. Holden Marshall

    Closed Conglomerated...

    There wasn't really another word for it - Hogwarts was boring. Holden had never expected a magic school you went to to learn spells and potions and stuff to be boring. Sure, there was stuff going on, but none of it was actually cool or any fun really. Most of the time all there was to do was...
  4. Holden Marshall

    Closed Connecting The Dots

    After days spent cramped up in classrooms and libraries preparing for exams he knew he was going to fail anyway, Holden was relishing every second he got outdoors. The cold air was perfect for a proper game of rugby, and by the time they were done he was streaked with mud cooling the heat from...
  5. Holden Marshall

    Closed Throwing Rocks

    Exploring the school so far was the only thing Holden really liked about Hogwarts itself. The lessons were boring and the people were... whatever. It was a relief being away from his family though - between his dad's neglect and Connor's disdain, the last couple of years had been miserable...
  6. Holden Marshall

    Holden Marshall

    Name: Holden Arthur Marshall Meaning: Holden - Hollow Valley, Arthur - Bear Birthdate: 6/4/2047 Zodiac: Aries Strengths: Independent - Generous - Optimistic - Enthusiastic - Courageous Weaknesses: Moody - Short tempered - Self-involved - Impulsive - Impatient As an Aries born on April 6th, your...