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  1. B

    Death of a Father

    "I'll not have them see me like this. Besides I'll see them Christmas." Bertram coughed then grasped her hand tightly as the machine began to beep alarmingly. He began to shudder then to tremble. He was cold, so cold. The doctor and nurses rushed in and surrounded his bed. He was afraid...
  2. B

    Death of a Father

    His chuckle became a dry, racking cough. Grimacing he laid back limply against the pillows plumped behind his head and shoulders. "Always the drama queen dear." His lips pulled back into a painful grin. "Where is Adam?" He knew how once the name had made her cringe and knew regret for the...
  3. B

    Death of a Father

    Bertram opened his eyes and stared confused around the room. The cold sterile atmosphere, along with the pain in his chest, brought fear to his cloudy eyes. Rolling his head on his pillow, he flexed his fingers and found himself staring into the wet eyes of his estranged wife. "Sarah," he...