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    Another person barging in! But, if you have anymore questions regarding the sorting or anything to do with the school or what have you, ask myself to LeAnn Adams. Were here to help!
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    New member

    Welcome to HNZ! I'm Lexi, one of the unsorted assistants. I can give you some links to help you if your stuck with anything, if you have any questions PM me, that's what I'm here for. Unsorted Roleplay Section Frequently Asked Questions Forum PM Nicolas King PM Cecily Rambolt PM Chloe Ashthorpe
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    Demi Lovato's Impression of the Jonas Brothers]]Demi Lovato's Impression of the Jonas Brothers
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    The New Character/Celebrity List

    Name: Chloe Ashthorpe The group: Other/Unsorted Assistants (?) - Female Claiming: Jennifer Aniston