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  1. L

    Family meeting.

    [color=#9300C4]'You said about now right Lou..' Lily was interupted by a girl with bright hair and even brighter jeans bumping into her, 'Hey!' She exclaimed, giving the girl a dirty look. God, sorry, i was told to meet here. Guess i got the wrong place, stupid pranksters Lilys face changed...
  2. L

    Family meeting.

    Lily pushed her fringe back, chewing her lip like Louise. 'I guess, but what if she does flip? What if she runs and doesnt look back?' She asked herself more than her siblings. 'James what do you think? Should we tell her straight, or lie until it comes out?'
  3. L

    Family meeting.

    Lily smiled, and kissed her sisters cheek. She walked to James, hugged him, and tried to sort out his hair. Laughing when he dodged her and fixed it himself. 'Well, what are we going to say to Steph?' She asked her siblings, 'She is going to be very surprised when she comes here and finds out...
  4. L

    Family meeting.

    Lily walked down Brightstone, she was meeting her siblings, they needed to organise meeting their cousin. She had graduated from Beauxbatons, and now lived in Calafornia, but she had used Floo Powder to get to New Zealand, where James, Louise, and herself would be holidaying. James and Louise...
  5. L


    Yes xD but on one of my first years, Jemma Lape, she's in slytherin, and a complete b!tchhhh. :)