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  1. Percival Reed

    Closed The Pen Pal Program

    Hi Emily, A Wampus is a cat native to the United States. I think they modelled it after Hogwarts? Like we've got four houses here that are represented by magical creatures similar to your school. Don't quote me on that, though. I never really paid that much attention in History class so I might...
  2. Percival Reed

    Closed The Pen Pal Program

    Hey Emily, Do they sound cool? I've always thought that they sounded pretty lame. Don't tell my Dad that I said that though, I think he'll ground me if he knows I said that. Definitely let me know if you managed to get on the team or not! I might have to cheer for you, then, if Ilvermorny makes...
  3. Percival Reed

    Closed The Pen Pal Program

    Hello Emily, Please call me Percy, Percival makes me feel old and I am not that old, yet. It's nice meeting you, I didn't think I'd be selected for this so it's a nice surprise. I'm in my fifth year also, though I'm sorted in Wampus (a house at Ilvermorny). I hope you make the team, then! Which...
  4. Percival Reed

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  5. Percival Reed

    Other Students List

    Percival Reed - 5th Year Wampus